July 14, 2020
Ontario Extends Emergency Orders

Province Maintains Flexibility to Protect Public Health as Economy Gradually Reopens

The Ontario government, in consultation with Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health, has extended all emergency orders currently in force that were made under s.7.0.2(4) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act to July 22, 2020. The extension was made to ensure the province maintains the necessary flexibility to protect public health and safety as more businesses reopen and people go back to work.

The government intends to extend emergency orders to align with the Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020 , if passed. This proposed legislation is part of the government's plan to cautiously reopen Ontario in a way that recognizes the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 even after the provincial declaration of emergency has ended. The bill, if passed, would allow Ontario to continue its path to recovery by easing restrictions where appropriate, while maintaining important select tools to address the ongoing threat of this deadly virus and protect Ontarians.

A full list of emergency orders can be found on the e-Laws website under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act and at Ontario.ca/alert .

Click here to read the complete news release.

Ontario Starting Down the Path to Growth, Renewal and Economic Recovery

The Ontario government is taking the first step in a made-in-Ontario plan for growth, renewal and economic recovery. Today, the province introduced the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, proposed legislation that lays the foundation to restart jobs and development, strengthen communities, and create opportunity for people in every region of the province. 

If passed, the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act will:

  • Restart jobs and development to get Ontario's economic engine roaring again by getting key infrastructure projects built faster, attracting more jobs and investment, and cutting red tape to help businesses adapt to the new environment.

  • Strengthen communities by ensuring municipalities are equipped with the tools they need to continue to provide the critical services people rely on every day, including allowing municipalities and their local boards to continue to choose to hold meetings electronically at any time and putting in place a new community benefits charge to help municipalities pay for the infrastructure and services needed for growing communities.

  • Create opportunity for people as they recover their lives and livelihoods by protecting consumers, modernizing services, improving the education system and removing the social and economic barriers that stand in the way of success for young people.

Click here to read the complete news release.

Historic COVID-19 Plan Provides Canadians With the Support They Need to Get Through the Economic Crisis

The COVID-19 crisis is the challenge of our generation. The Government of Canada has responded with rapid and broad-based emergency support measures to protect the health and economic well-being of Canadians.

Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan is ensuring Canadians have the support they need to put food on the table and keep a roof over their head. Representing nearly 14 per cent of Canada’s gross domestic product (GDP), the Plan includes more than $230 billion in measures to protect the health and safety of Canadians and provide direct support to Canadians, businesses and other employers, and up to $85 billion in tax and customs duty payment deferrals to meet liquidity needs of businesses and Canadian families.

Click here to read the complete news release.

Skills Ontario CEO emphasizes role skilled trades play in recovery efforts

Skills Ontario held a Virtual Skills Summit June 30 to provide a strategy for a skills-based recovery. Participants heard from a variety of speakers on what business roadmaps for successful emergence from COVID-19 will look like, what skills are in high demand now and for the future and how to find and keep top talent, indicates a release.

Skills Ontario is using an economics policy firm to do an environmental scan to create a database of all groups engaged in skills promotion, skills development and skills delivery.

As part of its outreach initiatives, Skills Ontario will have a team devoted to engaging with organizations and building relationships.

Click here to read the complete news article.

Supporting Ontario’s Safe Employers (SOSE) - Applications now Open!

On Friday November 22, 2019 Monte McNaughton, Minister of Labour, Training and Skills Development (MLTSD), announced the Supporting Ontario’s Safe Employers (SOSE) program which will be facilitated by the Office of the Chief Prevention Officer (CPO). Today, we are proud to announce applications for this program are now available.
Organizations that have their own occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS) may apply to have their system accredited by the CPO.
Organizations that have successfully implemented a CPO Accredited Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS), and MLTSD’s additional criteria, can apply for CPO Employer Recognition.
CPO recognized employers will be entitled to non-financial incentives and may also be eligible to receive financial incentives from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), if they meet WSIB’s criteria.
Organizations that require support in the development of their OHSMS are encouraged to consider the WSIB’s Health and Safety Excellence Program and how it may be of value and assistance with preparing for the steps to CPO Employer Recognition.

If you have any questions about the program you can contact the Prevention Office at SOSE@Ontario.ca. Note we will accept application forms via email.

Click here for more information.

Ontario Expanding Access to the Modern Digital Economy

Application intake for broadband and cellular program opens today

The Ontario government is expanding access to reliable broadband and cellular service in underserved and unserved parts of the province. The application intake for the $150 million Improving Connectivity for Ontario program (ICON) opened on July 9, 2020.

Any areas across Ontario that do not meet the national standards for broadband speeds would be eligible for provincial funding.

Telecommunication service providers, municipalities, Indigenous communities and non-profits are invited to submit innovative proposals and lend their investment, expertise and experience to improve connectivity in communities across Ontario. The preliminary application deadline for the first intake of the ICON program is August 21, 2020.

The province's investment of $150 million announced today is part of the $315 million Up to Speed: Ontario's Broadband and Cellular Action Plan. This action plan has the potential to leverage up to $1 billion in partner funding for broadband infrastructure investments.

Click here to read the complete news article.

Ryerson University hub to help SMEs conduct businesses during the pandemic

Ryerson University’s Business Innovation Hub is a new initiative within the Ryerson Entrepreneur Institute (REI) that seeks to help small and medium-sized businesses adapt to today’s uncertain economy due to the COVID-19 pandemic through the delivery of creative solutions.

With a team comprising student consultants and faculty advisors from diverse professional backgrounds, they seek to provide a fresh perspective to the companies while utilizing Ryerson’s resources to implement solutions.

Examples of their services include marketing to youth, transforming websites, enhancing online presence, scheduling curb-side pick-up, finding applicable government grants, and video production and editing.

Click here for more information.

Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development - July 2020 Report

Click to Download the monthly Ministry of Labour report to the Provincial Labour-Management Health and Safety Committee that was presented at July 8th, 2020 meeting.

Exclusive Discount for TCA Members on publishing Certificates of Substantial Performance (CSPs) in the Daily Commercial News (DCN)!

All certificates and notices published in the Daily Commercial News (DCN) are a flat fee of $300 (plus tax). Special Affinity Pricing of $200 per certificate is available to all ConstructConnect subscribers and TCA members.
Click on the image for more details.

**IMPORTANT: To apply the discount, please mention the offer at the time of order placement.**
TCA Resources on COVID-19

To access TCA dedicated Covid-19 Updates, click here .