
The June Workshop is upon us. Looking forward to working with some wonderful, talented actors! The schedule is flexible. During that time you'll end up spending about 22 hours in studio. You'll also have a good deal of prep time on your own. It's a commitment! To yourself and to your craft.

“I can’t say enough how important The Actor’s Workshop is for every actor looking to hone their skills and dive into scene work. Michael has created an environment that promotes creativity, community, safety, respect, and education while providing the necessary tools for success. I have found the workshop’s scene study particularly beneficial, as it is both challenging and incredibly rewarding. Getting in front of the camera is a crucial part of training for actors, and not only do we get that experience, we have the opportunity to watch our own work and learn from our performances. Michael is serious about acting and just as serious about his actors, and it’s evident in the way he challenges and champions each one of us to develop our instincts and do great work. I have experienced so much growth as an actor during my time in the workshop and continually return to further that growth. Thank you, Michael!” ~ Megan Golden

A lot of you have been through the Workshop. If you haven't... now is a good time to give it a go.

  • TAW is a no-nonsense workshop. 
  • The core of TAW is scene work. Two actors and me, working together for hours at a time. 
  • No tricks. No "exercises". Just hard work. Scene work. 
  • We rehearse the scenes. I direct them. I shoot them. I edit them. 
  • Then I screen your scenes for a panel of Casting Directors and Agents. 
  • I upload your scenes to my website so you can study your work. And learn. 
  • It's not play time. I take it very seriously. It's hard work. But... a lot of fun. 
  • I will push you as an actor. I'll assign scenes that push you. 
  • If you're looking for someone to tell you how wonderful you are... my Workshop is probably not your cup of tea. 
  • If I love your work... I'll tell you. If I don't... I'll tell you. In each case I'll try to take you to the next level. A better level. 
  • That's what the Workshop is all about. Hard work. Fun. Progress. 

Scene Work begins on Wednesday, June 12th. As usual, three-hour slots. You decide if you want to do two or three scenes.

Click here to take a peek at former scenes. If you're not among them... chances are you will be next month.

The panel will still be there for the final session. They will screen your work and give you feedback. Q&A also.

Workshop highlights...

  • Meet new actors.
  • Do great Scene Work. You choose... two or three scenes.
  • Watch your scenes online, anytime, anywhere.
  • Get feedback from Casting Directors and Agents.

Added bonus... discounted headshots from the amazing Priscilla Poland. Details at the Workshop.

You're a good actor. That's why you're getting this message.

Come join us. Looking forward to working with you!

Questions? Text me, or just give me a call. 801-362-9811.


For Venmo users... my profile is: michael-flynn-13

In the "message" section please include your name, email and cell #.

If the above graphics aren't visible... you can register HERE.