Winter 2022
TASC's Transportation and Mobility Coordinator, Cindy Vaquera accepting the keys to TASC's 11 new wheelchair accessible vehicles. Scroll down to learn more.
A Message From Executive Director, Dennis Rutnam
Dear TASC supporter,
It seems like 2021 has come and gone in the blink of an eye, and we are already one month in to 2022. I think we are all excited to see what this new year has in store. It is a new year of hope as we continue to adjust in our rapidly changing world.
Throughout the years at TASC (whether in a pandemic or not), one thing has always remained strong – and that is the strength of our TASC community.
To our clients, employees, TASC families, board members, volunteers, and community supporters: thank you for your strength and resilience through a year of unknowns.
We are also able to celebrate several areas within TASC that were accomplished in 2021. Examples of these include:
Pending Accreditation
TASC has been in preparation over the past two years for an accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). We completed the three-day CARF survey process between Jan 10th-12th. The preparation required for the survey allowed TASC to grow and become stronger as an organization. Final results won’t be known until another few weeks if we received the CARF accreditation. However, during the exit interview we were happy to hear all the positive things that were said about TASC from our clients, employees, family members, board members, regional center, and TASC’s management teams.
Technology Upgrades
We are excited to offer more technology options to clients. We have purchased equipment that will allow for hybrid classes or meetings to be conducted efficiently. This will provide more flexibility for clients to participate in TASC from home, or if they choose to be in-person. Additionally, we purchased upgraded computers in the lab to keep up with the virtual class options. These upgrades were thanks to donations to TASC, along with two community grants. 

Accessible Vehicles
TASC received grant funding to purchase 11 new wheelchair accessible vehicles. These vehicles are added to our current vehicle fleet of 24. It is so exciting to be able to offer more accessibility to current TASC clients, and future TASC clients that may require this type of transportation in order to be a part of the program.
Looking to 2022, we look forward to continuing to offer quality services to our clients with safety being number one. To increase the quality of services, we will be hiring key positions for additional support. Additionally, employee training continues to be enhanced each year. 

Now, I cannot finish this letter without mentioning two important losses for TASC.

Our Founder and former Executive Director, Ken Lane passed on October 16, 2021. TASC and the clients who TASC supports meant the world to Ken. It is an honor to continue his life’s work and legacy through our mission.

I will strive to make Ken proud by making decisions and leading TASC in the way that he has always envisioned. 
We also experienced the sudden loss of TASC client, Allison “Alli” Tucker who passed on December 1, 2021. Alli was the definition of a social butterfly, making friends everywhere she went. Regardless if you were her peer or coach, she made everyone feel loved and treasured. Our hearts are with the Tucker family. We are working on a project within TASC to memorialize Alli’s life. 

Ken and Alli’s lives will continue to be remembered throughout our everyday work.

Looking forward to new beginnings, we are planning an in-person walk fundraiser to take place in June (if COVID restrictions allow). I hope you will join us for our first in-person event since 2019.
Thank you if you’ve joined us for any of our virtual events throughout this time. As fun as they were, we can’t wait to be together again. 

Thank you again for all your support for TASC this past year. I look forward to sharing TASC’s journey with you into 2022. 

In Gratitude,

Dennis Rutnam, TASC Executive Director

P.S. Be on the lookout for your list of 2021 tax-deductible donations to TASC via physical mail. If we had your email address on file, it was already sent to your inbox. If you have any questions please email: Christie Hight at
Upcoming Events & Community Resources

Thursday, February 17

Event: NLACRC’s Virtual Town Halls

Learn about what's happening around the North Los Angeles County Regional Center.


Monday, February 21

Event: Presidents' Day

TASC programs and office are OPEN!
TASC Is Honored To Celebrate Black History Month
February is Black History Month and was created to celebrate the achievements of Black and African American individuals, along with recognizing the important role they have played in U.S. history.

Did you know? This month-long celebration first started in 1926 as a week, with the date being the second week of February. This date was selected to coincide with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. In the late 1960s, it had evolved into a month-long celebration that frequently took place on college campuses. The first official Black History Month was recognized by President Gerald Ford in 1976. He called on the public to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.” (according to

Each year, Black History Month has a theme. The theme for 2022 is “Black Health and Wellness,” exploring "the legacy of not only Black scholars and medical practitioners in Western medicine, but also other ways of knowing (e.g., birthworkers, doulas, midwives, naturopaths, herbalists, etc.) throughout the African Diaspora. The 2022 theme considers activities, rituals and initiatives that Black communities have done to be well." 
Mission Statement:
The Adult Skills Center (TASC) provides innovative and proactive services that empowers individuals with diverse intellectual, developmental and mental health needs to achieve their highest level of independence and realize their greatest potential.

TASC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution will have an immediate and direct impact on TASC’s ability to improve the lives of the men and women we serve. Your contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. Tax ID: 95-4116924
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