Reach Out has had an active presence in Tanzania for 17 years. We are blessed that Rev. Nyuma Kiyumbi has been leading our training efforts in Tanzania since 2016. Before you read some exciting information he recently shared with me, here’s a little background on Tanzania (pronounced Tan·zuh·nee·uh by most Americans and Tan-ZAN-ee-a by local Tanzanians.)

Tanzania is a country of extremes…

Geographical extremes…the highest mountain in Africa (Kilimanjaro at 19,340 feet high) and the deepest lake in Africa (Lake Tanganyika at 4,710 feet deep) exist there.

Population extremes…A country of 61.5 million where 66% are under the age of 25 years old.

Linguistic extremes…over 100 languages spoken.

Wildlife extremes…host to the world’s largest concentration of wildlife…lions, wildebeests, elephants, hippopotamuses, rhinoceroses, zebras, leopards, hyenas…

Economic extremes…one of the 15 poorest countries in the world with more than 65% of the country living below the internationally recognized income poverty line of $1.25 per day.

Religious extremes…Muslim extremists consistently seek to gain ground, promoting Muslims into public office and passing Islamic laws as the Muslim population has grown to over 1/3 of the population.

In light of all these extremes, I am reminded of what I would consider to be one of the most “extreme” verses in all of scripture:
For I am convinced that neither death nor life,
neither angels nor demons,
neither the present nor the future, 
nor any powers,
neither height nor depth,
nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38
In this verse, God speaks in “extremes” to grab our attention and let us know that His love is for everyone. And that is GOOD NEWS especially for a country where there are still 30 unreached people groupsGOOD NEWS for a country filled with millions of those in the “Z” and “Alpha” Generations who desperately need to know that God loves them and has a plan for their lives, both in this world and the one to come.
Last month, Nyuma shared that God is continuing to do a mighty work through Reach Out Youth Solutions in Tanzania! Over the last three months, multiple implementation workshops were attended by 133 youth leaders from 41 churches. Here are a few testimonies from these YOUTH LEADERS WHO HAVE BEEN TRANSFORMED BY GOD AND ARE NOW REACHING THE YOUNGER GENERATION WITH THE GOSPEL!
I am a Primary School teacher. I have never been to a Bible College nor received any formal biblical training. I started without much knowledge about youth work or church ministries. Then I was invited to participate in a JFYM forum. Eager to learn and practice, I was built up and motivated to reach and disciple young people. Today my ministry life has changed. I’m not only a local church leader, but I’m also part of the diocese team of youth leaders. This year, I have trained youth leaders, preached the gospel and taught the Word of God through seminars in 5 local churches. Now I am discipling 3 youth leaders.
MARIAM (Mwabasabi Church in Geita)
After attending the JFYM training, we started visiting schools in our neighborhood to get in touch with students. We followed up (with) students in their homes. From that moment on we gained influence with the students and have brought some of them to Christ and to our church.
RACHEL (AICT in Mkolani)
I was a member of my church without any serious commitment to my faith. When I first attended the JFYM training I was motivated to build my personal relationship with Christ through the “Going Deeper with Christ” and “Praying with Passion” modules of the JFYM book. These two modules changed my relationship with Christ to the extent that I am now committed not only to going to church but also to serve Christ through ministering to young people.

The JFYM training has transformed my life from a cowardly leader to a courageous leader who is able to stand and witness for Christ in a one-to-one session or in a group setting.

When we heard about penetrating the youth culture and creating opportunities to reach young people, we organized evangelism through a sports event. Through that event we were able to win young people to Christ.
JFYM has transformed my ministry from being that of a lone ranger to working in a group of youth workers. Through the JFYM material I have mentored 7 students to be preachers.

It isn’t surprising that these testimonials are coming from this country, especially when you watch videos like this…with youth leaders in our recent workshops passionately praying for the younger generation in their country! God, help us to live out this level of passion for the lost young people where we live! Play video HERE:

Check out this worship experience at the youth leader gathering in Nyiasanzi! 

Here are a few photos capturing our leaders engaged in “creative outreach opportunities” in their communities:
Eagle Leader, Mary, leading young people and parents to Christ at Muganza-Chato

Here is Youth Pastor Elia leading young people to Christ before a soccer game
As we are being reminded of with each report from Tanzania, God certainly works in the extremes. Death to LifeCoward to Courageous LeaderUneducated to Training OthersLone Ranger Approach to Team FocusNo Commitment to Fully CommittedLost to Born Again!

Nyuma wrote this in his closing remarks within the Tanzania JFYM report for last quarter: “I continue to thank God for the amazing impact He is making into the lives of young people through our youth leaders’ service.” Amen! And thank you, Nyuma, for humbly leading this ministry in a way that is having an EXTREME impact on the next generation of your country!
Will you prayerfully consider contributing to Reach Out today so that we are able to continue supporting Nyuma and his team in 2023?

And, as you look through the prayer guide for this month, I invite you to use the prompts to partner with us in prayer for our Tanzanian leaders.
Jesus is Lord,
Randy Riggins, President
Reach Out Youth Solutions