May 5, 2023

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TABOR Refunds Held Hostage, Motorless Mondays Return to GoG, It’s Water Rationing Season, and More!

Here are some of the stories we are following this week. Connect with us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram for up-to-the-minute news. 

  • The runoff election for Colorado Springs Mayor will take place on May 16. You should have already received your ballot in the mail. City officials have released their ballot return expectations for this special mayoral runoff election.

  • Why did the El Paso County Commissioners award $1.5 million of your tax dollars to a food bank? Is this an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars? Find out more in our exclusive article.

  • Some landlords have concerns about new legislation being proposed that would put a cap on income required to rent properties. Why is it that all legislation directed at solving the “housing crisis” only makes any housing crisis worse? Do you think this is an accident?

  • A recent report ranks Colorado in the top five states in the nation for mortgage costs. What impact does government intervention have on these costs?

  • Did you know that cell phone companies can place cell towers right next door to your home? If local government denies the variance request, the cell phone company will sue and win. Some Rockrimmon residents are discovering this firsthand.

  • It’s that time of year again. Motorless Mondays are back at the Garden of the Gods Park. 

  • It’s also time for water rationing in Colorado Springs. You may only water your lawn three days per week during designated times, or you may be fined. 

  • One of the ethics complaints against Colorado Springs Mayoral Candidate Wayne Williams was dismissed because the complaint wasn't kept confidential.

  • The Colorado Legislature is proposing to give you relief from the coming massive property tax increases by taking your TABOR rebate from you. Yes, really. They either take from you, or they take from you, that’s it. They don’t work for taxpayers, they work for themselves. Repealing the Gallagher Amendment in 2020 was a big mistake, that will likely cost us for years and years to come.

  • Governor Polis and democrats in the legislature have released a 10-year plan to address rising property taxes.

  • As was mentioned earlier, the Gallagher Amendment was repealed by voters in 2020. What the Amendment did was lower the property tax rate calculation as home values increased. Now, without that protection in place, property taxes are straining household budgets.

  • Would the Colorado Legislature take your taxpayer refunds and give your money to special interests that serve them? Yes, yes they would

  • The City of Denver has reduced some default speed limits due to bicycle and pedestrian traffic.

  • Several weeks ago we reported that form Mayor John Suthers is joining a high-profile law firm as a shareholder. This week, we are learning that that law firm received $570,000 in your city tax dollars since 2019. Interesting turn of events, isn’t it?

  • Teachers did not report for work at one D11 school and this forced the cancellation of all classes at Doherty High School. It’s unclear if this action impacted other schools as well.

  • Here comes the forced, statewide recycling program. This comes from the Producer Responsibility Program for Statewide Recycling Act, passed by the Colorado legislature in 2022. One interesting note about his, most plastic that is “recycled” really ends up in landfills anyway.

  • The final plan for Colorado wolf re-introduction has been approved by Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

  • If you would like to help support us in our mission as government watchdogs by becoming a Newsletter Sponsor, we are offering two sponsorships for each weekly newsletter, at the nominal cost of $100 each. Funds raised from these sponsorship opportunities will help us to keep looking out for taxpayers. 

Here are some upcoming meetings in the area. We hope you can attend one or more!

If there are other public meetings you’d like to see announced here, please drop us a line. We are happy to include them in an upcoming newsletter. These might be government-related, candidate, or elected official meetings. Thanks!


Colorado Springs City Council Meetings

Monday, May 8, 10:00 a.m.

Colorado Springs City Council Work Session

107 N. Nevada, 3rd floor

Live stream link here


Tuesday, May 9, 10:00 a.m.

Colorado Springs City Council

107 N. Nevada, 3rd floor

Live stream link here


El Paso County Board of County Commissioner Meetings

Tuesday, May 9, 9:00 a.m. 

El Paso County Board of County Commissioners

Centennial Hall

200 S. Cascade

Live stream link here

Agenda not yet posted

Tuesday, May 16, 9:00 a.m. 

El Paso County Board of County Commissioners

Centennial Hall

200 S. Cascade

Live stream link here

Agenda not yet posted

Colorado Springs Utilities Board of Directors

Wednesday, May 17, 1:00 p.m.

Utilities Board of Directors

Blue River Board Room

Plaza of the Rockies, South Tower, 5th Floor 

Live stream link here

Agenda not yet posted

Miscellaneous Meetings of Interest


Monday, May 8, 5:30 p.m.

CSU Planning our Energy Future

Regional Building Department

2880 International Circle

Registration and Agenda

Tuesday, May 16, 6:30 p.m.

Living With Wildfire Townhall for Bear Creek, Broadmoor Bluffs, Broadmoor Hills, Broadmoor Oaks, Ivywild, Lower Skyway, Midland, Old Broadmoor, Quail Lake, Upper Skyway

Cheyenne Mountain High School

1200 Cresta Road


View the full Colorado Springs City Council meeting schedule here to see upcoming meetings.


View the full Board of El Paso County Commissioners meeting schedule here to see upcoming meetings.


View the full Colorado Springs Utilities Board meeting schedule here to see upcoming meetings. Please also follow CSU on social media at their Facebook Page and on Twitter

Don't forget to subscribe to our You Tube Channel. Since most of the City and County board and commission meetings are not televised or recorded, we are trying to remedy that. We now have a camera and tri-pod for volunteers to check out for future meetings. 

If you have a tip about a story in the Pikes Peak region that you aren’t seeing reported, let us know. We will see what we can find out.

How to Contact City and County Officials:

City Hall

107 N. Nevada Avenue

Colorado Springs CO 80903

(719) 385-5986

Contact City Council


Mayor's Office

30 S Nevada Avenue, Suite 601

Colorado Springs, CO 80901

(719) 385-5900

Contact Mayors Office

County Commissioners

200 South Cascade Avenue, Suite 100 

Colorado Springs, CO 80903-2202

Phone: (719) 520-7276

Thank you!

Laura and Rebecca

Springs Taxpayers United is Accepting Donations!

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