We Want To Help Children Grow – Not Grow Our Waitlist

Nasir* and 3-year-old Farah are newly arrived refugees who came to the U.S. with hopes of a safer life.

Nasir first arrived at TABLE in the blistering heat looking for food assistance. Unfortunately, we informed him that our waitlist had not progressed in months and sent him home with a bag of food with our promise to notify him when it was his turn to receive our services. 

After months of biking to our office and using Google Translate to ask when Farah could start receiving food, we were overjoyed to see that she was next in line!

Your $360 gift will feed a local child for 3 months.

Over the past year, we have achieved some remarkable milestones, including completing our capital campaign and serving more kids than ever. But, we are facing a challenge we have never seen in TABLE’s history: a waitlist of over 230 kids. With your generous support, we are able to offer families like Nasir and Farah a lifeline, a bag of food, and something equally important – hope and a sense of community.

Will you join us in the fight against childhood hunger and share this message with your friends and family? 

With sincere gratitude,

Why is there an increased need for food support among Orange County families?


“My kids' energy is high. They sleep better at night because of complete meals and want to go outside and play!”

Every dollar makes a difference. Here are just a few ways TABLE puts your gift to work to support local children. And, every month of food includes a nutrition education kit.

feeds 1 child for an entire year

feeds 1 child for 6 months

feeds 1 child for 3 months

feeds 1 child for 1 month


Learn more at TABLEnc.org or mail check to

209 E. Main St. • Carrboro, NC 27510

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