Texas Agricultural Aviation Association | www.taaa.org
TAAA Newsletter
An Update On Tower Marking Legislation At The Federal Level
Please see the report in the story below, marked in red, regarding language modifying tower marking requirements that has been inserted in the FAA reauthorization bill. In short, opponents of that effort are attempting to modify the language at least with respect to communication towers. TAAA strongly supports NAAA's efforts to protect tower marking requirements.
Legislation that only requires inclusion of the location of communication towers in a data base has been in place in Texas for more than a decade, and has been entirely ineffective due to lack of an enforcement mechanism. Tower marking for METs on the other hand is enforced in Texas through criminal law mechanisms and has resulted in compliance for the most part.

Here's the NAAA story:

The U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a five-year FAA reauthorization bill by a vote of 393-13 on April 27. A five-year reauthorization would provide long-term funding stability for the FAA, compared to the short-term 12 and six-month extensions that have been passed in recent years. The Senate hopes to pass its reauthorization bill soon so a final bill can be signed by the president before the August recess. The current FAA extension expires Sept. 30.  .....
The bill contains language that would make changes to the marking of towers in rural areas between 50 and 200 vertical feet and an above-ground base up to 10 feet feet in diameter. In 2016 NAAA was successful in urging Congress to enact law requiring the marking and logging of such towers into a database. The bill that passed the House last week would allow communication towers that meet the 2016 requirements to be marked or placed into a database but they would not be required to do both. MET towers would still be required to be both marked and put in a database. NAAA is working to amend the bill either in the Senate or if and when it goes to conference to make sure future towers, whether communications or METs, must be both marked and logged into a database, but the telecommunications industry is fighting this approach. 

Read the full story at NAAA:
Numerous mergers and acquisitions in the agricultural chemicals and seeds arena have resulted in major industry consolidation over the past few years.  Here's a good summary story via Successful Farming that will help you keep track.

TAAA Scholarship:  Deadline TODAY!
The TAAA scholarship opportunity is open to participants that will be graduating from high school prior to the award date (May 30, 2019) and be enrolled in continuing education during the year of entry.  The scholarship is also open to any student/future student who will be enrolling in any collegiate institution, technical school or any higher educational course programs.  For the full scholarship guidelines click here.
Scholarship amount is $2,000.00 per winner.
Deadline is TODAY May 4, 2018
Please send your manuscript (postmarked by May 5, 2018) to the WTAAA Scholarship Chairman at:
Carissa Davis
PO Box 997
Panhandle, TX 79068
Any questions should be directed to Carissa Davis at (806)683-2411.
TAAA Website
NPDES PGP Compliance Tools 

MET-Marking Warning Tools

2019 TAAA Annual Convention & Exhibit
January 9-11, 2019
San Antonio, TX 
TAAA | | lcampos@thetexascapitol.com | http://www.taaa.org
P.O. Box 684570
Austin, TX 78768