Week of May 5, 2024

Moments for Mission April 2024 Download HERE 

Prayer of the Day

O God, you have prepared for those who love you joys beyond understanding. Pour into our hearts such love for you that, loving you above all things, we may obtain your promises, which exceed all we can desire; through Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Expanding Our Welcome April 2024Download HERE

Upcoming Events

links to event info embedded if applicable

May 17 - 19

Holden Village May Youth Weekend

June 13

FAN Farm Bill Conversation

September 27 - 28

PSALM Retreat @ Seabeck

September 30 - October 3


June 13 - 14, 2025

Synod Assembly @ PLU

Application Process Open!

Rooted in Lutheran theological tradition and in the context of the Pacific Northwest, PSALM is a community of learners and leaders engaged in a process of conversation, reading, prayer and practice with the intention of growing in faith, clarity of mission, and skills for ministry. 


PSALM cohorts meet for four terms over two years. Each term begins with an overnight retreat at Seabeck Conference Center in Seabeck, WA. We worship together, share meals and hear from presenters on a variety of subjects. Students receive their books and syllabus for the upcoming term. Retreats take place the first Fri./Sat. in October and March. The fee for each term is $400, which covers the cost of retreats, books and presenters. Generous donors have made it possible to offer scholarships for PSALM, so fees ought not be a barrier for anyone.


To apply for the cohort that will begin in September 2024, please complete application materials (application, Pastor’s recommendation, Council covenant and Learning Community agreement). They can be found at www.swwasynod.org. Click on Leadership/Growing Leaders/PSALM. Application materials are due August 15th, 2024.


If you have questions, please contact Pastor Rebecca Shjerven at shjervrl@plu.edu or 253-961-2412.


Daily Bread Matching Grants Update 

These grants provide daily bread for neighbors experiencing hunger while also serving as a catalyst for garnering additional financial support. Funding from a Daily Bread Grant is meant to supplement existing food-based ministries. ELCA World Hunger Daily Bread Grants will be made available to congregations on a rolling basis. You may submit a request for a Daily Bread Grant beginning on May 1, 2024. In 2024, ministries feeding K-12 students over the summer or after school in the following states: Alabama, Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming will be prioritized

as these states are not implementing all of the summer nutrition programs through the USDA. The fundraising platform from past years will not be utilized as a part of this grant cycle. Visit https://elca.org/domestichungergrants for a link to apply beginning May 1st.  

The ELEA (Lutheran Schools + Learning Centers) board is recruiting for new members.

We are especially looking for applicants who are skilled in development/fundraising, finances, and communication. 

Here is the ELEA website link:


Board Member Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSddWSqc0B7KStWauj0heWoowBBGOerYLYV8O7dRkCjRJ-4WTg/viewform


From Words to Action!

May 5 is the National Day Commemorating MMIW.

Use the Truth and Healing resources the ELCA has provided. Your worship service can include prayers for those who are missing and their families. Wear Red, use your social media to lift up the issue to those in your community.

We have an on-going average of 90+ Indigenous people who are missing, according to the WSP.

Thank you for your consideration.

Rev. Linda Smith, (retired)

Member, of our Native American Work Team

Job Opportunities

there are no opportunities at this time

A Synod of the

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

The Rev. Richard E. Jaech, Bishop

Synod Office Hours

9am - 4pm

Tuesday - Friday

Stay Connected

email swwsynod@plu.edu

phone (253) 535-8300

website www.swwasynod.org