Application Process Open!
Rooted in Lutheran theological tradition and in the context of the Pacific Northwest, PSALM is a community of learners and leaders engaged in a process of conversation, reading, prayer and practice with the intention of growing in faith, clarity of mission, and skills for ministry.
PSALM cohorts meet for four terms over two years. Each term begins with an overnight retreat at Seabeck Conference Center in Seabeck, WA. We worship together, share meals and hear from presenters on a variety of subjects. Students receive their books and syllabus for the upcoming term. Retreats take place the first Fri./Sat. in October and March. The fee for each term is $400, which covers the cost of retreats, books and presenters. Generous donors have made it possible to offer scholarships for PSALM, so fees ought not be a barrier for anyone.
To apply for the cohort that will begin in September 2024, please complete application materials (application, Pastor’s recommendation, Council covenant and Learning Community agreement). They can be found at Click on Leadership/Growing Leaders/PSALM. Application materials are due August 15th, 2024.
If you have questions, please contact Pastor Rebecca Shjerven at or 253-961-2412.