April 2017
Science in the Streets!
We are all aware of the threats to environmental protection and community health, and assaults upon open government and transparent policy processes under the Trump administration.  As Switzer Fellows, we have an opportunity now to unite in support of our core belief that science, and scientific integrity, are essential to human health and our ability to live in harmony with the limited resources of the natural world.  (Read more in Lissa's recent post, Science in the Streets.)  The Switzer Foundation is a proud partner of the March for Science on April 22nd, and we want to hear from Fellows attending that, and the People's Climate March on April 29th!
  • Please add your name to the Google spreadsheet and tell us which march you're attending.  We've got about 25 Fellows signed up so far.
  • Send us your photos!  Email them directly to Lauren.
  • If you'll be tweeting or blogging, make sure Lauren has your Twitter handle or link to your blog.

And... Write an Op-Ed

Jen Sokolove recently shared, via Switzer listserv, some tips from Dan Pomeroy, a AAAS fellow, about writing an op-ed in support of science.  Pomeroy is leading an effort to organize scientists to write "Why I Will March" op-eds for their local papers.  The sense is the media is eager to share scientists' stories in advance of the marches, so please consider taking advantage of this unique time!  There's a strategy document to help you craft your letter.  AAAS is also interested in tracking who writes letters, so please consider sharing your letter with Dan Pomeroy (daniel.pomeroy@gmail.com) so he can track/tweet/etc.  (And please share with us, too!  You can email Erin or Lauren with a link to your published letter.)
Preparing for policy impact

The Switzer Foundation's programs all build upon our commitment to identifying and supporting environmental leaders.  We believe it is necessary for leaders to focus on their inner leadership skills as well as their ability to take their knowledge and expertise to an arena that leads to positive environmental change.  Our 2016 Fellows, and two of our alumni, took their knowledge and expertise to the most challenging arena we know these days, Washington, DC.  Read more about their experiences and lessons learned.
2017 Fellowship Selection Update

It is that time of year, when we are fortunate to interview the finalists for the 2017 Fellowship awards!  25 finalists will be interviewed in both San Francisco and Boston next month (May 6th and 13th, respectively) and we look forward to introducing the 2017 Fellows to you soon!
Link your profile to ResearchGate or Google Scholar today

Did you know you can link your Switzer profile to your ResearchGate or Google Scholar page?  Our website often appears in the top three search results for your name, sometimes even before your institution's page.  Make sure visitors to our site can find your publications!  Go to our website and log in to edit your profile directly, then use the "Other Personal Link" field on your Switzer profile to point people to ResearchGate or Google Scholar.
Curbing climate change has a dollar value - here's how and why we measure it

While burning fossil fuels produces benefits, such as powering the electric grid and fueling cars, it also generates widespread costs to society - including damages from climate change that affect people around the world now and in the future.  Public policies that reduce carbon pollution deliver benefits by avoiding these damages.  Fellow Joe Aldy argues that President Trump's executive order to reverse Obama-era rules to cut carbon pollution is missing a key element of the equation.

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Ryan Zinke-photo: Conecta Abogados/Flickr
There will be oil:  Regulation and energy under Ryan Zinke

The new Interior Secretary likes regulation, sort of, and energy production a lot.  He sounds ready to break through regulatory and policy gridlock in many rural communities.  The question remains, though, whether his publicized love of the outdoors and hunting makes him a fighter for the environment, writes Jessica Hall.

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Pushing past politicization: An interview with Rear Admiral David Titley

Many scientists fear repercussion from engaging around contentious subjects like climate change - anything from losing connections and opportunities, to jeopardizing their careers and credibility. But there are still productive conversations to be had, even in highly politicized environments.  This interview, by our communications training partner, COMPASS, provides insight into how to prepare to share science around politicized subjects.

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Fundraising online for conservation

Ryan Carle recently posted a request on the Switzer listserv for advice about crowdsourcing fundraising for conservation and we re-published it along with Fellows' responses.  We invite you to add any ideas or resources in the comments section!

Upcoming Events
Switzer Fellows Networking Call:  Fracking
Wednesday, April 26, 2017 - 12:30 pm ET

For more information

Switzer Fellows Networking Call:  Promoting evidence-based governance, with Rebecca Lave
Wednesday, May 3, 2017 - 12:30 pm ET

For more information

2017 California Fellowship Selection Interviews
Saturday, May 6, 2017
San Francisco, CA

Switzer Fellows Networking Call:  Coastal and Marine Issues
Wednesday, May 10, 2017 - 12:30 pm ET
For more information

2017 New England Fellowship Selection Interviews
Saturday, May 13, 2017
Boston, MA

Switzer Fellows Networking Call:  Conservation for Climate Adaptation, with Doug Johnson and Sarah Skikne
Wednesday, May 17, 2017 - 12:30 pm ET
For more information

Reducetarian Summit in New York City, with Heather Coleman, Oxfam
Saturday, May 20, 2017 - 9:00 am ET
For more information

Switzer Fellows Networking Call:  Architecture and Urban Planning
Wednesday, May 24, 2017 - 12:30 pm ET
For more information

Please visit the Events page of our website for a complete listing of upcoming events!
Fellows in the News
Brian Bowen, with FirstFuel, was named in the Midwest Energy News' 40 Under 40 list.

Mark Tompkins' firm, FlowWest, won national and state data challenges for their Sustainable Floodplain Habitat Finder.

Todd Gartner at World Resources Institute published a new report on protecting drinking water at the source of watersheds.

Karen Merritt won a fellowship to document the history of mercury and silver mining in Spain and Mexico.

Esther Conrad at Stanford published a new report on who will manage California's groundwater basins.

Also at Stanford, Nicole Ardoin won a $1.75 million NSF grant to design educational interventions in coastal redwood forests.

Tom Gill at University of Texas, El Paso, was the Geek of the Week on The Weather Channel's WX Geeks!
A vibrant community of environmental leaders