Welcome to my first newsletter for 2023. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year with your families.
With the state election coming up in March, Parliament will be entering a caretaker period from January 26. As a result, this will be the last newsletter you receive from me for a little while.
Locally, Karen and the Big Trek Team walked 150kms to raise funding for breast cancer nurses. I provide an update on the Pacific Highway and Chain Valley Bay Road intersection. Funding from the 2022 Coast and Estuary Grant program is allocated for works at Belmont Bay, Village Bay and Salts Bay. I also had the pleasure of catching up with Wallarah RFS and checking out their fire boat.
In state news, Labor has announced its housing policy and its demerit point incentive for drivers.
The Community Notice Board contains information on the Lake Macquarie Seniors Concert, Central Coast Seniors Festival, fee-free TAFE courses, Belmont Hospital Volunteer Auxiliary, savings for pensioners, Swansea Mobile Shower and Orange Sky Laundry.