December 2023


Training on USMCA in the Municipality of Camargo, Chihuahua, Mexico, for a chile producer, in collaboration with their team, including operational and field personnel.

2023 in Review

As we wrap up 2023, the entire Proyecto Sustentar team extends our gratitude and appreciation for your continued support and partnership to strengthen labor compliance and competitiveness of Mexico’s tomato and chile industries. As the second year of Sustentar’s implementation, 2023 brought significant growth and acceleration in the project. We look forward to continuing to build upon this work with you and all of our partners in the new year.  


Happy Holidays from the Sustentar Team!


44 field visits

8 partnerships with growers

2 partnerships with processors

1 retailer partnership

18 labor recruiters reached

Recent Events in BC and BCS

In October and November, Proyecto Sustentar held workshops in Baja California and Baja California Sur with tomato and chile growers and other industry actors, civil society organizations, indigenous communities, and government entities. These workshops created space for open dialogue between interested groups and opportunities to learn about labor compliance improvements and challenges that the industry faces.

New Partnerships in Chihuahua

Following Sustentar’s pilot project in Chihuahua, our team is partnering with companies to provide one-on-one technical guidance on strengthening social compliance and building capacity throughout the supply chain. We are currently working with six chile growers in the regions of Casas Grandes, Camargo, Delicias, and Meoqui.


Grower Testimonial

Engineer Meza - Chile Grower, Meoqui, Chihuahua

"I have been a chile pepper grower for over 10 years. ...Originally, this labor was local, but... we now require labor from other regions of the state and even from other states in the country. This workforce primarily consists of indigenous people who migrate... due to the lack of employment opportunities in their communities of origin. ...[B]oth their customs and ours have come to view child labor and unacceptable working conditions... as something 'normal.' This is why it is necessary to do things in a different way. The Sustentar project... is giving us the opportunity to see that achieving this is possible..."


Technical assistance meeting with Engineer Meza (left), an agricultural producer in the central-southern region of Chihuahua

What is Remediation?

Even when employers have effective social compliance systems in place, it is difficult to control for every risk. Responsible employers also need a plan to support workers in accessing remedy (or “remediation”) should a violation occur that they have caused, contributed to, or are directly linked to through their supply chain or activities.

Remediation is generally not achieved by the actions of a single company or organization, but by building on the strengths and capacities of partner organizations and national authorities. Sustentar works with companies, government entities, and civil society organizations to help build connections between them that will support effective access to remediation for workers in Mexico’s tomato and chile pepper industries.


New Team Members

Proyecto Sustentar is growing! We are happy to announce new members of our team:

  • Ana Guadalupe García Vázquez, Liaison in Chihuahua, South-Center region 
  • Edna Mendoza, Liaison in Chihuahua, Northern-border region
  • Lorena de Jesús Márquez, Field Coordinator in Baja California Sur   
  • José Luis Almada, Mexico’s Administrative Assistant  


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