REMINDER: The deadline to apply for the Photography & Collage Artist Residency or the Collage in Practice Workshop is Sunday, 14 April 2024.




Michael Sjostedt at Assemble Made and Curated in Northampton, Massachusetts, USA through 30 April 2024. Postcards were a big part of Michael Sjostedt’s childhood, filled with images of lighthouses, roadside motels, and flamingos. He never thought about using vintage postcards for his collages until a studio clean-up led him to a hidden stash beneath old romance comic books and some graphic chemistry transparencies. Seeing these random materials together, he couldn’t help but wonder how they might work in unison. Collage, being a forgiving medium, was the perfect playground for this experiment.

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Dance in Collages 2024

Deadline: Monday, 15 April 2024. The "Dance in Collage 2024" exhibition will be held during the 21st International Festival Jazz Dance Open in Pardubice, Czech Republic. The art will be installed in The Karel Pippich Theatre Chrudim 2 May-31 October 2024. The topic is “Dance” in general. How you interpret that is up to you. Collages can be either analog or digital. One piece of art per artist. The exhibition will be part of the World Collage Day celebration on Saturday, 11 May 2024.

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Odd Arcana: tarology for beginners

Odd Arcana is odd, as the title discloses. It plays with the idea of the Tarot major arcana. It respects their numbers but can’t remember their names or their symbols, so it makes them up. It starts with the images. Poems follow from within the images. There’s no plan, but there is a flow. The prose poems in italics mimic divination, but they are eminently ignorant of the art, so they don’t know what they are saying. They pretend but from the bottom of their heart. The reader is free to bluntly ignore them. They don’t mind.

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PoetryXCollage: An Ekphrastic Collaboration

Sunday, 21 April, 9-10:30AM. As part of the New Orleans Poetry Festival, Christopher Kurts will lead artists and poets through an exercise of call and response that explores the intersection of collage and poetry. Utilizing an expansive supply of collage materials from the Mystic Krewe of Scissors & Glue, the collage collective Kurts runs in New Orleans, workshop attendees will start by making a twenty-minute collage. They will then pass their collages to the next person for them to write a poem inspired by or meant to juxtapose with the collage. Those poems will then be passed on to the next person to make a collage that will in turn be the inspiration for a final poem.

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East of a 100th

Using paint and cut images, Jerome Bertrand aims to capture the essence of North American cities east of the 100th meridian. Adorned with telephone area codes, these collages are personal interpretations, a series of subconscious portraits unveiling the cultural spirit of each city. Each collage is a living testament to a city’s subconscious. Through Bertrand’s subjective interpretation, he distills key actors, major events, and unique colors defining each urban landscape.

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A Brand New End

Carmen Winant at the Knoxville Museum of Art in Knoxville, Tennessee, USA through 14 April 2024. Artist Carmen Winant’s large-scale collages and installations illuminate the often-invisible experiences of women, as well as feminist strategies for survival, revolt, and self-determination. She explores these themes through objects drawn from and inspired by the archives of Women in Transition (WIT) and the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV).

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Not Conveyable Through Words

Astoria, New York, USA. Through mixed media collage, Stacey Burgay physically manifests feelings and emotions not conveyable through words. Process is integral to her practice. She absorbs her environment and surroundings by collecting found materials to use in conjunction with painted papers and her own photography. She adds, removes, and excavates papers and layers of paint to construct narratives founded on emotional states— happiness, sadness, anger, grief—and feelings—joy, anxiety, loss, and a sense of otherness.

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Photography & Collage Artist Residency

Deadline to Apply: Sunday, 14 April 2024. The Photography & Collage Artist Residency will invite photographers and collage artists to come together in dialogue, learn from one another, and make artwork for a series of exhibitions that explore the intersection of collage and photography. Unfolding in two tracks over the course of a week, we will ask, What happens when a collagist picks up the camera? What happens when a photographer collages their pictures? Presentations will explore collage in theory, artist practice, the ecosystem of art, the state of photography, and the history of photography and collage. Artists will shoot on film, explore the dark room, and make collage with the results. Artists will also shoot digital images which will be printed as collage material.

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Collage in Practice Workshop

Deadline to Apply: Sunday, 14 April 2024. A four-week, virtual/online workshop with Kolaj Institute in April & May 2024. A working understanding of one’s practice is critical to one’s professional and artistic development. Intended as a clinic for working artists at any level, participants in the Collage in Practice Workshop will explore how they go about making art and putting it out into the world. How to make a living as an artist? How to get your work seen? How to get an exhibition? How to get reviewed? How to make a life for yourself as an artist? What does that even mean? These are some of the challenges artists face when they want to take their art practice to the next level. Participants will finish the workshop with a deeper understanding of their practice; a strong statement of practice that can be used to communicate with curators, editors, and art professionals; a portfolio of consistent artwork (or a plan to make one); and tools for growing or developing their practice.

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Poetry & Collage Residency 2024

Deadline to Apply: Sunday, 21 April 2024. A four-week, virtual/online residency with Kolaj Institute. In January 2022, Kolaj Institute issued a call to artists for a Poetry & Collage Residency and received so many excellent responses that we organized a series of three residencies. And at the end of it, they sent us more page spreads than could fit into a single book. Impressed and moved by the volume and quality of cultural output and a deep belief that this practice, however you want to describe it, at the intersection of collage and poetry deserves a platform, we decided to create a new journal dedicated to it. After releasing several volumes of the journal and opening an ongoing call for submissions, we are returning to this residency program as a way to help artists develop their ideas, explore the intersection of collage and poetry, collaborate and form community, and prepare submissions for the journal. This project-driven residency is open to artists and poets.

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Collage as Street Art Residency – New Orleans 2024

Deadline to Apply: Sunday, 28 April 2024. A week-long, in-person residency that coincides with Kolaj Fest New Orleans (12-16 June 2024), during which artists will explore the city, learn about the history and materials of street art, and make artwork for public display that Kolaj Fest attendees and New Orleanians will be able to view. This residency is an extension of the ongoing Kolaj Street Krewe project. Kolaj Street Krewe, an informal group of artists interested in this subject, explores the role of collage in street art as a practice and phenomenon.

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World Collage Day 2024 Events

Deadline to Submit: Sunday, 21 April 2024. World Collage Day is 11 May 2024. We invite artists, art centres, museums, galleries, schools, and communities to celebrate World Collage Day by hosting events and projects that bring communities together. Ideas include collage making meet-ups, docent-led tours of collage in a museum or gallery, activities for kids, slideshows or talks that appreciate collage’s role in contemporary art and art history, exhibitions of collage, and more. Tell us about the events and projects you are planning.

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Standard Processes in Dressmaking

Standard Processes in Dressmaking is a collaged altered book by nine members of the International Collage Community. Using E. Lucy Towers's iconic, 1948 instruction manual as a point of departure, artists added fragments to the pages of the book as a means of exploring womanhood and fashion. The result is a collaborative meditation on how the clothes we wear shape identity, meaning, and place in the world.

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Collage Street Art: New Orleans

What happens when you take collage to where the people are? Kolaj Street Krewe is an international group of artists exploring the role of collage in street art as a practice and phenomenon since 2018. In June 2023, a dozen artists gathered in New Orleans for a week-long, in-person artist residency. This zine is a document of what they made.



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Kolaj #39

Taking Joy in the Joy of Others; Cherishing the Beauty of Ephemeral Objects; Migrating Forces; Street Art and Community; Preservation Stations; The Comfort of Crows; Where Words Cannot...Kolaj 39 is chock full of news, ideas, thinking about collage and its place in the world. LEARN MORE

Kolaj Magazine exists to show how the world of collage is rich, layered, and thick with complexity. By remixing history and culture, collage artists forge new thinking. To understand collage is to reshape one's thinking of art history and redefine the canon of visual culture that informs the present.

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Volume Five

PoetryXCollage is a printed journal of artwork and writing which operates at the intersection of poetry and collage. Each issue presents six movements of work by artists and curators. Page spreads are meant to be free zones of thinking where the contributor has chosen all elements of the layout: font, image place, composition, etc.

In this issue: Johnette Downing (New Orleans, Louisiana, USA); Stacy DeBritz (Schenectady, New York, USA); maryhope|whitehead|lee (Phoenix, Arizona, USA); Aimee-Beth Martens (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada); Kelly McGovern (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA); Gavin W Sewell (New York, New York, USA)



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"I Cut Therefore I Kolaj" T-shirt

Since we started Kolaj Magazine in 2011, people have been asking about t-shirts. Well, we finally made one. We are pleased to announce the "I Cut Therefore I Kolaj" T-shirt. We hope you like it and wear it with pride.

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Collage Artist Trading Cards Pack Nine

Kasini House Artshop works with the Kolaj Magazine Artist Directory to produce curated packs of the Collage Artist Trading Cards. Each card is a full color, 5.5” x 3.5” postcard with rounded corners. An example of an artist’s work is on the front of the card and the artist’s public contact information is on the back. Collage Artist Trading Cards come in packs of 15.



About Kolaj Magazine

Kolaj Magazine is a quarterly, printed, art magazine reviewing and surveying contemporary collage with an international perspective. We are interested in collage as a medium, a genre, a community, and a 21st century art movement. Kolaj is published in Montreal, Quebec by Maison Kasini. Visit Kolaj Magazine online.


About Kolaj Institute

The mission of Kolaj Institute is to support artists, curators, and writers who seek to study, document, & disseminate ideas that deepen our understanding of collage as a medium, a genre, a community, and a 21st century movement. We operate a number of initiatives meant to bring together community, investigate critical issues, and raise collage’s standing in the art world.


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