The location of the shooting. Created with Datawrapper for NBC New York
June 24, 2022

Media Contact: 
Lisa Derrick
Statement From
Assemblymember Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn and the Assembly Majority on
The Supreme Court Throws out New York State
Strict Hand Gun Law
(Washington, DC) -- Yesterday, the Supreme Court overturned a New York State hand gun law that was enacted more than a century ago placing restrictions on concealed handguns carried outside the home, claiming that the law is unconstitutional violating the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution.

Statement from
Assemblymember Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn

"Today's decision from the Supreme court had nothing to do with individual rights, State's rights, or the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment calls for a 'well regulated militia' as being necessary to the security of the State, not the individual. This new, flawed, interpretation is contrary to the security of the State, and to all Americans."

Statement from The New York State Assembly Majority

“In the wake of the horrific mass shootings in Buffalo and Uvalde and the steady stream of daily gun violence, most people realize that we must do more to address this scourge. The radical, right-wing U.S. Supreme Court, however, does not share that view. Instead of upholding clearly constitutional laws that help us combat gun violence, the Court overturned a 1913 New York statute which required applicants for concealed carry permits to demonstrate ‘proper cause’ that goes beyond general safety concerns.
          “This disastrous decision puts more New Yorkers in harm’s way and imperils the safety of law enforcement officers. By pursuing an absolutist understanding of the 2nd Amendment, the Supreme Court seems to think that turning our communities into the Wild West is a prudent idea. While this decision is undoubtedly a setback for New York, the Assembly Majority is continuing to advance commonsense gun legislation that protect our families.
“Earlier this month, we championed a 10-bill legislative package in the wake of the tragic mass shootings in Buffalo and Uvalde. These new laws strengthen our red flag law, raise the age to purchase a semiautomatic rifle to 21, make it unlawful to sell or possess bulletproof vests for most individuals, create a new crime of making a threat of mass harm and require social media platforms to provide an easily accessible way to report hateful content. Here in New York, we’re taking action to protect our communities from the gun violence that’s tearing our nation apart. It’s profoundly disheartening that the Supreme Court is working to undermine commonsense, decades-old gun safety laws, but we cannot and will not be deterred from fighting to keep our communities safe.”

Here are the ten recent gun safety laws:

A.1023-A (Paulin)
Helps track guns that have been unlawfully purchased or trafficked outside the state

A.6716-A (Wallace) 
Criminal Liability - Misdemeanor B for “making a threat of mass harm” and Misdemeanor A for “aggravated threat of mass harm”

A.7926-A (Rosenthal, L) 
Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) to establish programs and processes for the implementation of the technology, and would make it a crime to sell a firearm that is not equipped with microstamping technology

A.7865-A (Fahy) 
Requires social media networks in New York to provide a clear and concise policy regarding how they would respond to incidents of hateful conduct on their platform and maintain easily accessible mechanisms for reporting hateful conduct on those platforms

Would eliminate the grandfathering of those devices that were lawfully possessed prior to the Safe Act or manufactured prior to 1994

A. 10497 (Jacobson)
Illegal to purchase and sell body vests to anyone that is not engaged in an eligible profession, which includes law enforcement and other professions designated by the Department of State

A.10501 (Meeks) 
Creates a Task Force on Social Media and Violent Extremism within the Office of the Attorney General to study and investigate the role of social media companies in promoting and facilitating violent extremism and domestic terrorism online

A. 10502 (Cahill) 
Expands the list of mental health practitioners that can make a report on an individual that is likely to engage in conduct that would result in serious harm to themself or others, such report is considered in determining whether or not to issue a firearm license to the individual

A10503 (Jackson) 
Require that an individual obtain a license prior to purchasing a semiautomatic rifle. 

A. 10504 (Burgos) 
Provides clarification on the definition of firearms and rifles that have been modified to be fired from an arm brace.

The Assembly Majority also passed a resolution (K.1028, Wallace) calling on Congress to reinstate the Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 (prohibiting manufacture of certain semiautomatic firearms and large capacity magazines for use by civilians).

Assemblymember Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn represents the 42nd Assembly District in Brooklyn covering Ditmas Park, Flatbush, East Flatbush and Midwood. She is currently the Chair of the Subcommittee on Oversight of Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs)Chair of the Task Force on Women's Issues and serves on the following committees: Housing, Government Operations, EducationBanks, Health, and Higher Education. She also sits on Governor Hochul's Domestic Violence Advisory Council and Mayor Adams MWBE Task Force.

As a current Assemblymember, District Leader, and Chair of Brooklyn Democratic Party, Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn has been an outspoken advocate on issues concerning immigration, education, economic development, unemployment, education reform, health care access, senior citizen centers, affordable housing, school safety, women's and LGBTQ rights, as well as other issues affecting the quality of life in the community.

Learn more about 
Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn by visiting her websites: