To my loyal readers,
The leak to Politico of Justice Samuel Alito's draft on Roe v. Wade indicates that the reversal of Roe is imminent, the Mississippi Dobbs law will stand and the decisions to protect unborn children will return to the states. That is huge. That is if the Justices are not pressured and stay with the 5-4 ruling to strike down Roe. The reprehensible media is celebrating this leak.
Please sign the pro-life petition by clicking the button below.
Mother's Day is coming this Sunday. I hope to publish another JLL Letter on that day. Be on the lookout for it.
Enjoy your week, and Happy Mother's Day!
Warm regards,
Bonnie Chernin
President, Jewish Life League
"The authentic Jewish pro-life message for everyone."
Leaked Supreme Court Draft Opinion Overturned Roe v. Wade.
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts Must Release the Majority Opinion Now.
Greetings and Shalom!
Has anyone in the pro-abortion media complex read Justice Alito's draft? I have.
I doubt Kamala Harris bothered to read it. Nor did Chuck Schumer as evidenced by their video rants below.
An investigation is underway. When the Chief Justice finds out who leaked Justice Alito's beautifully written draft, the individual(s) involved should be disbarred. Of course, it does not matter to them if they are disbarred. They saw the draft that dates back to February. They knew it was a strong rebuke of Roe v. Wade and the Court, with Justice Alito going so far as to call the original decision a "scheme."
If you are a pro-abortion ideologue and want Roe to stand untouched so that unborn babies can be killed for choice, losing your license to practice law is worth it. Especially if by leaking it to Politico, the leftist news hounds can put public pressure on one or two of the Justices to change their votes.
We have to pray for the Justices. They are now targets for public pressure, protests, and possible threats to their physical safety. If the draft is released as is and abortion goes back to the states, there can be violent protests by Antifa similar to what happened in 2020.
I hope and pray the Supreme Court Justices have ramped up their security detail. They will need it.
Putting all that aside...
What struck me about Justice Alito's draft was that his words had a human dimension (finally) and his strong, effective rebuke of Roe v. Wade was evident throughout. He referred to the child in the womb as an "unborn human being" and "unborn child." The draft keeps up with science and is not mired in 1973 (see my Meme of the Month below).
Justice Alito provides extensive historical details dating back to the 13th century, citing cases that illustrate abortion was a crime in England, and was a crime on our books until two pro-abortion activists in 1973 changed everything.
In the draft, Justice Alito references an important authoritative book on abortion: Dispelling the Myths by Joseph Dellapenna. It's an exhaustive history of abortion and I encourage those interested in this topic to consider purchasing the book. It is 1,300 pages and in hardcover it is very heavy.
There is an online version at Red Shelf. It is $78 and you can find the book at this link:
It's also important to understand that as thankful as we will be to see Roe go, it will not mean the end of abortion. Most abortions take place in the first trimester. The blue states are planning to strengthen their abortion laws and include perinatal abortions, that is, killing children after they are born if they survive a failed abortion. (Two bills are under consideration now in California and Maryland).
Over 50% of abortions are by dangerous chemical drugs that can be administered without a doctor's visit. There will be sex trafficking of pregnant girls into blue states from red states with abortion bans. A situation of "abortion tourism" can become a serious problem, with older men trafficking young pregnant teens to other states.
So our work will continue. We will also need to ramp up our work with pregnancy resource centers and adoption agencies.
Charles Schumer's Disgusting Rant
Senator Chuck is a vile, power-hungry political hack and a pro-abortion zealot who supports infanticide.
Here are some 'choice' comments from the video:
"The party of Lincoln and Eisenhower has now completely devolved into the party of Trump."
Chuck should read his history. Abortion was not legal when Lincoln and Eisenhower were president. And it never was legal in the United States prior to Roe v. Wade, despite what you will hear from left-wing abortion zealots. Thank G-d the GOP evolved into the party of Trump.
And thank G-d THREE of President Trump's Supreme Court picks were among those who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade.
"Under this decision, children will have less rights than their parents."
Senator Chuck Schumer supported abortion policies that helped kill 63 million children since 1973. They can't have rights if they are dead.
He even signed the so-called "Reproductive Health Act" that is an infanticide law here in New York.
Schumer was silent about the five babies killed in late term abortions and whose bodies were discovered last month by two pro-life activists. One little girl had her head crushed, probably in an illegal partial birth abortion. Why no outrage, Senator Schumer?
Senator Schumer's Wikipedia entry states that he is "the first New Yorker, as well as the first Jewish person, to serve as a Senate leader." Based upon his actions and speech, Senator Chuck Schumer is as far removed from the Jewish faith as any politician in recent memory.
V.P. Kamala Harris' Rant: "How Dare They?"
The Leak Is A Dangerous Leftist Scheme
To Get At Least One Justice to Buckle and Change Their Minds.
Right now there are 5 votes to overturn Roe v. Wade. All it takes is one Justice to change his or her vote.
The pro-abortion radical politicians and leftist media are accusing the Justices of lying under oath during the confirmation hearings. Justices Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett testified based upon information available at the time.
We encourage our readers to sign the National Right to Life petition below urging the Supreme Court to restore value to preborn life and to overturn Roe v. Wade.
Thank you.
For life,
Bonnie Chernin
President, Jewish Life League
"The authentic Jewish pro-life message for everyone."
The Truth About Their Confirmation Hearings
Justice Amy Coney Barrett was questioned over and over about "stare decisis" and said that she would abide by the law. She also said that Roe is not super precedent because "calls for its overruling have never ceased. Justice Barrett goes on to say that Roe does not fall into the category of super precedent like Brown v. Board of Education or Marbury v. Madison.
Justice Brett Kavanaugh said that Roe v. Wade is an important precedent. He did state that the Casey decision is "precedent on precedent." He is stating what the legal consensus was at the time of the hearing. Justice Kavanaugh never said that if new facts and evidence were presented in a future case, he would not vote to overturn Roe v. Wade.
The pro-abortion radical politicians and leftist media are accusing the Justices of lying under oath during the confirmation hearings. Justices Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett were grilled over and over about Roe. They testified and never said they would not overturn it.
During their hearings these Justices were verbally abused and attacked by the Democrats. Senator Feinstein, who is Jewish, attacked Justice Barrett's Catholic faith saying that the "dogma lives loudly within you." Senator Feinstein should realize that in Judaism abortion is considered unlawful and akin to murder except for the very rare case where the mother's life is threatened.
Moreover, anti-Catholic comments like Feinstein's remarks can stoke antisemitism.
Justice Kavanaugh was falsely accused of sexual assault. The Democrats on the Judiciary Committee treated these candidates abominably.
And neither Justice said they would not overturn Roe. So if anyone is telling the BIG LIE it is the Democrat abortion enthusiasts in our Senate and Congress.
Mallory Carroll of the Susan B. Anthony List
on CNN and ABC
Mallory Carroll, VP of Communications at the Susan B. Anthony List is an excellent speaker, does not omit or miss any point. She voices the pro-life viewpoint clearly. The interview on ABC went along pretty well until Terry Moran went off on poor Mallory at the end, asking if women should be prosecuted as felons. He even brought Charles Manson into the conversation! Yikes! Something touched a raw nerve and he lost it on poor Mallory. That's a bad look.
Is this personal for Mr. Moran? Was there an abortion in his past?
Erin Burnett was professional, but it seemed the more Mallory spoke the more annoyed Ms. Burnett appeared to be.
Neither Erin Burnett nor Terry Moran congratulated Mallory on her baby. She is 14 weeks pregnant.
Congrats Mallory!
"Religious" Leaders for Baby Killing
The article linked below is dark. These are self-proclaimed religious leaders and clergy of different faiths who promote baby killing as a religious and spiritual experience.
In addition to the minister who speaks openly about how she felt loved by G-d when she "entered the doors of a Planned Parenthood," there are the usual "Rabbis for Repro" rabbis who attended a two-day abortion event called "SACRED." They oppose Dobbs, all abortion restrictions using biblical scripture with false interpretations to promote their sinful message.
Here is the link to the Jewish World Review piece.
Challah breads in the shape of a uterus. Really?
The best response to this article comes from "JF" who writes:
"A person, "religious" or not, can rationalize behavior that they know is against God's will. A religious "leader" is supposed to be relied upon to help make moral decisions, not accept the immoral ones. A 'secular' priest, minister or other cleric? Rabbis are specifically supposed to interpret the laws. None of these advisors are supposed to help us "feel better" about sin."
Essential Pro-Life Reading
Overturn Roe v. Wade Because 64 Million Babies Killed in Abortions Deserve Justice
Bret Baier presses Tim Ryan on late term abortions: 'You got to leave it up to the woman'
Reports indicate abortion pill being used to kill babies late in pregnancy
Meeting S.W.O. medical director was the "most significant" evil Daleiden encountered when undercover
The babies are counting on us.
Can we count on your support?
Please help us in our mission
to save unborn children.
At the Jewish Life League, we appreciate your contributions. Your donation will greatly help us with the costs of maintaining our website and distribution of promotional materials.
We hope you find the information on the Jewish Life League and our JLL Letter engaging and informative.
Thank you so much for your continued commitment and we welcome you as a Friend for Life.
For all generations born and not yet born,
Bonnie Chernin, President
Jewish Life League
Abortion Hurts. It's Time To Heal.
The Jewish Pro-Life Foundation is planning on the next Tikvat Rachel event this summer.
We will keep you posted!
Tikvat Rachel is a unique program developed by Cecily Routman, President of The Jewish Pro-Life Foundation specifically for Jewish women and men suffering with feelings of pain and loss from a previous abortion. We offer an ongoing teshuvah-based program that provides a safe, compassionate and confidential healing pathway so you can recover from the pain of a past abortion experience.
Contact Barbara at 347-566-7898 for more information.
Pregnancy Resource Centers
If you are pregnant and need help or know someone who is considering abortion, there are life-affirming options available. Please visit the following organization links.
We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas for our newsletter. We also welcome your feedback. We accept pro-life article submissions.