Write your own message, personal stories are always effective, or use just one of these 4 messages:
I urge you to fully fund the WCPS FY 24 Budget! As MD is moving toward a world class education system, we need to make sure Worcester County is not left behind. To do this Worcester County must be a full and enthusiastic participant in the implementation of the Blueprint for MD’s future, and that means you need to fully fund the WCPS budget.
This is to request that you fully fund the WCPS FY 24 budget. As budget requests are considered, we should remember that quality education is the cornerstone of a thriving community. We see that 91% of the budget goes to salaries. We need to keep all of these valuable employees of the BOE. Therefore, for the sake of our students and our teachers I ask the commissioners to fully fund the WCPS FY 2024 budget.
Quality education is so important to me and my community, that I am willing to support a tax increase. Comparing the amount that neighboring counties receive from the state compared to what Worcester County receives is an irrelevant argument because those funding formulas are set at the state level. These formulas are designed to help counties that bring in less property taxes and supplement their educational budget with more state funding. If the Commissioners really want to address a way to have more revenue to fully fund the BOE budget perhaps they should consider raising the County tax rate (piggy back tax). Somerset’s is 3.2%, Wicomico’s is 3.2% and Worcester’s is the lowest in the state at 2.25. We need to ensure that Worcester County Schools keep the high standards and so I urge all Commissioners to pass the WCPS FY 2024 Budget!
In the past several years, you have projected a deficit and yet you ended with a surplus. It makes it difficult to believe that you can’t fully fund the Board of Education budget. A quality education system increases the value of homes and attracts businesses to a community. This is not the time to underfund Worcester County Schools—I urge you to pass the WCPS Budget as passed by the elected Board of Education members.