Superstar or Team?


The college football playoffs have been so exciting-

Here's 2 examples:

#1 ...I wanted Auburn to win but hats off to the
University of Central Florida ...
David beat Goliath

#2 ... The Georgia vs. Oklahoma game was one for the history books...the fans in the stands, watching on TV, plus of course the players, coaches and university leaders...have got to be TOTALLY exhausted both mentally and physically...

There were superstars and most important...
great TEAMS!!


I am also a huge fan of college basketball.

This year I am following Alabama basketball closely because my grandson Noah, a recent high school graduate, went to school with a highly recruited college basketball player Collin Sexton . After watching UA play 3 of their games. Collin (a freshman) has lived up to the hype and the team is now 8 wins 4 losses. (As I write this they just lost to Vanderbilt 76 to 75..Sexton had 24 points) Another grandson, Jeremiah, is a Senior at UA. Our other grandson Joseph (a sophomore in high school) and Noah and myself...the 4 of us are planning on going to a game in the near future.

On Dec. 30th UA beat Texas A&M (the #7 rankled team in college basketball)...they won the game handily...I did not see the game but went through the box score and noticed Collin was not the high point man ....there were 4 players on Alabama including Collin with 16-18 points.


Collin outstanding point guard who will sadly ** go in the first round of NBA draft-

**I really dislike college basketball allowing one year and out...just my opinion
Alabama will do very well this year...which means it must continue to be a " team" effort not a superstar only effort ... a good team can beat a "superstar" only team ...  


A good church has not only a very good Pastor but also promotes the priesthood of all believers and the gifts of the
Holy Spirit lived out in ministry-
so the church is known as
the Body vs. a Superstar assembly

Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12 and
Ephesians 4 say it so well ...

THE BODY OF CHRIST is not one member but many and each are gifted they live out their gifts the Body is built up and they are concerned with the souls of men


I know a very effective ministry that builds vision into men and women who have been "under used" by churches. The President of the ministry is the former Pastor of a large church who believes the body of Christ is most often "under used". My experience in full time ministry working with churches of varying size and backgrounds confirms "under used" is unfortunately very common.

2 Timothy 2:2 says it perfectly:

"Take the teachings that you heard me proclaim in the presence of many witnesses, and entrust them to reliable people, who will be able to teach others also."
2 Timothy 2:2


The Body of Christ is key to a successful WB training
series in the local church.

"See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?..."
Isaiah 43:19 

Here's how to plan our 5 week WB training sessions...
notice the use of the Body vs. One Person:

WB "to do" list 3-4 weeks in advance of the WB training: (note it's a group effort-not just one or two individuals)

Witness Breakthrough class starts...2018

*Get the word out and start the sign up sheet...THE BODY OF CHRIST

*Pastor from the pulpit announces WB Ted as needed

*Personal announcements in all classes...flyers to everyone...where, when, time, how sign up... a committee of 2-4

*Emails and phone calls plus
*Bulletin and website... a committee of 4

*Order books 2+ weeks in advance..$10.50 per book (need names for correct amount ordered)...a committee of 2 people

*Get map and stickers...(Important weekly co-ordination of placing stickers in locations where interactions take place)... a committee of 2

*Prayer committee (weekly group prayer that encourages class members via phone call or email to expect witness opportunities...
Col 4:2-6 type prayer reminders ie... look for His open doors, make it clear, be involved with unbelievers, seize every opportunity, filled with grace, words seasoned with salt... a committee of 4+

*Weekly recap (written) of each meeting sent to everyone... a committee of 2

*Weekly Session opening welcome... 2 leaders

In all ministry and in the church...
A TEAM is the only way to go
vs. a SUPERSTAR only

To get more insight into TEAM witnessing please go to our website

Ted Sprague


BETTER THAN you can tell I love sports! However much better than sports
are the conversations that take place during the serious times in life..the priorities of life come to the forefront and deep and meaningful conversations are the result.

Ecclesiastes 7:2
"It is better to go to a house of mourning than to a house of feasting..."

Tudi and I were privileged this week to visit a friend who is going through some very serious health issues ...our conversation was deep, emotional and meaningful. We were honored by his honest sharing and I had the opportunity of also sharing some of our struggles too. We discussed the STEPS TO PEACE WITH GOD booklet and I gave him a small Gideons Bible like the one given to me prior to my claiming Jesus as my Savior. I asked if he had ever said a prayer like the one in the STEPS... booklet...he said "" ...I asked if he wanted to say the prayer of claiming Jesus as Savior...he said "yes"...and then he prayed the prayer silently and then out loud... after more deep discussion 3 of us put our hands on his shoulder ...and I prayed, then Tudi prayed for our friend...OBVIOUSLY this actual experience will never be forgotten... the greatest sports accomplishments are enjoyable but insignificant by comparison...It was an everlasting honor for Tudi and me to be on God's TEAM in encouraging and comforting our special friend
2 Corinthians 1:3-11...with the comfort we have received from the Lord comfort others