Sunday Service Extravaganza

“Release any perceived brokenness and return to wholeness, for you were born perfect, whole, and complete” ~Rev. T

This Sunday in Victoria

At Oaklands Centre on Belmont

10 am with Rev Vicki

We say we are one but how does that really look in everyday life? We say we accept the diversity and uniqueness of everyone - but is that really how we approach each other? We know that in Spirit nothing can harm us - but do we freely live out of that Truth?

Join Rev. Vicki this Sunday as we explore

how we bring these lofty ideals into our lives,

day by day, moment to moment.

Join us this Sunday in Nanaimo

at 2020 Estevan Rd, Nanaimo

at 12:30 p.m. With Rev T.

Meditation Starts at Noon

open to all Levels

Let's gather and discuss the importance of self-love and acceptance in achieving happiness and overcoming

self-doubt. We can learn to recognize the patterns of

self-criticism and begin taking steps towards rebuilding

our sense of wholeness, while learning to embrace

our true worth and potential.

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