Dear Parents,

This week's lesson continues along in the Genesis narrative, this time in Genesis 6, and the well known story of Noah's Ark. Our Bible Point this week, "God wants us to obey Him", mirrors for kids the Godly obedience of Noah, and the way he did what God had asked him too- even when it was difficult!

While children might not be called to build an ark and gather two of every known animal, it doesn't mean God isn't calling them to do something for His Kingdom and His glory! Even the littlest heart is capable of profound love when Christ dwells within it; and as caring adults in their lives, we have the privilege to nurture, encourage, and celebrate the spiritual strides they take! :)

Don't miss our origami craft that comes with our lesson, or the special video reading and craft walkthrough from our own Beth Campbell! We are praying for you and your families, and should you need anything at all we are only a quick phone call or email away!

Love in Christ,