Dear Parents,

As we dive into a new season and our Fall Curriculum we begin with a simple but poignant truth, one lovingly communicated through the account of Creation in Genesis chapter 2; God Made us.

The point of this week's lesson isn't difficult to grasp, and may come naturally to children who have grown up hearing the truth of creation communicated to them since they were little (and even if they still are!)

But the implications of God's act as the creator, sustainer, and provider of life cannot be overstated. Every man, every woman, and certainly every child bears the Imago Dei, the very image of God, and this imbues all human life with indescribable worth, immeasurable value, and a precious nature that nothing else in all creation can claim.

God wanted us. In love, He made us. And when we couldn't find our way back to Him on our own, He came to us, lived for us, and surrendered His very life for the children created, loved, and adored.

This week's lesson often represents a beginning; but in this difficult season, may we not forget the end to this story- The Creator who made a way for His precious children to be with Him forever. As you read, create, and explore God's Word with your child, our prayer is that this beautiful truth would wash over your little one, as they're reminded of just how special, unique, and wonderful they are to the Lord who knitted them together. :)

As always, Joanne and I are here to support you as our parents and guardians here at FCCH. If there is anything you or your children need by way of prayer, presence, or a listening ear, do not hesitate to ask!

And be sure not to miss a wonderful treat for our kids below the lesson- Virtual Children's Chapel with Laura! Just click the video below to sing along! :)

Love in Christ,