If Thine Eye Be Single:
The Power of the Pineal
With Rev. Su Choy
September 8, 2024
For thousands of years, the Hindus, Buddhists and even the ancient Egyptians have believed that the pineal gland, located deep in the center of the brain, is actually a de-activated third eye responsible for higher states of consciousness. What’s most exciting is that new research is demonstrating that these ancient yogis were correct. In fact, this tiny rice-sized endocrine gland actually contains two types of crystals which generate electro-magnetic fields. And these fields are the ones associated with different types of psychic awareness such as lucid dreaming, clairvoyance, telepathy, astral travel and even prophecy. So how can we tap into the “Power of the Pineal” in order to expand our own consciousness?
Please join Rev. Su Choy/yoga teacher as she explores
the nature of the third eye, and most importantly, its
significance in the unfolding of our spiritual growth.
Join our zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 835 3672 9109
Passcode: Light