Weekly Update
Sunday, April 21
Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt
8:15am Matins
9:30am Divine Liturgy
Fr. Chris Webb Presiding
Coffee Hour: Duffy Family
Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt
When Mary was only twelve years old, she left her parents and departed to Alexandria, where she lived a depraved life for seventeen years. Then, moved by curiosity, she went with many pilgrims to Jerusalem, that she might see the Exaltation of the venerable Cross. Even in the Holy City she gave herself over to every kind of licentiousness and drew many into the depth of perdition. Desiring to go into the church on the day of the Exaltation of the Cross, time and again she perceived a certain invisible power preventing her entrance, whereas the multitude of people about her entered unhindered. Therefore, wounded in heart by this, she decided to change her way of life and reconcile herself to God by means of repentance. Invoking our Lady the Theotokos as her protectress, she asked her to open the way for her to worship the Cross, and vowed that she would renounce the world. And thus, returning once again to the church, she entered easily. When she had worshipped the precious Wood, she departed that same day from Jerusalem and passed over the Jordan. She went into the inner wilderness and for forty-seven years lived a most harsh manner of life, surpassing human strength; alone, she prayed to God alone. Toward the end of her life, she met a certain hermit named Zosimas, and she related to him her life from the beginning. She requested of him to bring her the immaculate Mysteries that she might partake of them. According to her request, he did this the following year on Holy and Great Thursday. One year after this, Zosimas again went thither and found her dead, laid upon the ground, and letters written in the sand near her which said: "Abba Zosimas, bury here the body of wretched Mary. I died on the very day I partook of the immaculate Mysteries. Pray for me." Her death is reckoned by some to have taken place in 378, by some, in 437, and by others, in 522. She is commemorated also on the Fifth Sunday of Great Lent. Her life was recorded by Saint Sophronius of Jerusalem.
Epistle and Gospel Readings
Epistle Reading
Gospel Reading
Fasting- Strict fast unless otherwise noted

Sunday, April 21
Sunday, April 21
(Wine & Oil Permitted)
Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt
Prosphoro: Nancy Griparis
Coffee Hour: Duffy Family
(Presided by Fr. Chris Webb)

Monday, April 22
Theodoreof Sykeon
5:30pm Adult Greek School
7:00pm Great Compline

Tuesday, April 23
St. George the Great Martyr
6:30pm Pan-Orthodox Akathist at St. Luke Orthodox Church, Palos Hills

Wednesday, April 24
Elizabeth the Wonderworker
5:45pm Pre-Sanctified Liturgy
7:30pm Bible Study, in person and on Zoom!

Thursday, April 25
Mark the Evangelist
5:30pm Festival Meeting
7:00pm Choir Practice

Friday, April 26
Basil Bishop of Amasea

Saturday, April 20
(Wine & Oil Permitted)
Saturday of Lazaros
8:30am Orthros
9:30am Divine Liturgy
10:45am Sunday School Retreat
Palm Cross Tying, Lunch, Retreat Sessions, Decorating the Church

Sunday, April 28
(Fish, Wine, & Oil Permitted)
Palm Sunday
Prosphoro: Theodora Kalantzis
Palm Sunday Luncheon Following Divine Liturgy - Free Will Offering
Call the Church office to make a reservation: 815-722-1727


Sunday, April 28-May 4
Holy Week

Sunday May 5
Great and Holy Pascha

Monday, May 6
St. George the Trophybearer
Orthros & Divine Liturgy

Wednesday, May 8
Ss. Raphael, Nicholas, & Irene
St. Leontios of Arcadia
Orthros & Divine Liturgy

Sunday, May 12
Thomas Sunday
(No Memorials)
The Palm Sunday Luncheon is offered in love by the Argoudelis Family in memory of Frank Argoudelis.

May his memory be eternal!
Live Stream is up and running!

Thank you to our anonymous donor who donated the technology that allows us to offer a clean professional live stream.

Services are currently being streamed from our YouTube page - subscribe and allow notifications if you would like to be notified when we go live.

Bible Study

During Lent, Bible Study meets after Pre-Sanctified Liturgy ~7:30

This week we are reading Matthew Chapter 20 following Pre-Sanctified Liturgy
Youth and Family Events
We will explore our 5 senses, and how each one is used by

Registration is LIVE:

Junior Olympics

Registration for the 2024 Junior Olympics is Live!

Happy Birthday to Nina Romac who celebrated her 22nd birthday April 19th.
Happy Birthday, Michael Varon who turned 85 on April 14
Click the link to the right in order to submit you special occasions to share with the community via our new online form.
OR contact the church office to share your birthday, engagement, wedding, anniversary, retirement, birth, baptism or any other celebration or accomplishment with our community! 815.722.1727
Outreach Committee
Our Pantry is running low, so as you shop this week, consider fulfilling that third pillar of Great Lent: Almsgiving, and shop for someone without the means to sustain themselves.
Save the date! July 13-14!
Greek School

To schedule a memorial, contact the Church office.

Please remember that memorials are not celebrated for the three consecutive Sundays of Palm Sunday, Pascha, and Thomas Sunday

Thank you!
Thank you to those who have taken time out of their day to beautify and keep up our facilities this Spring. This list is not exhaustive, but, thank you to all the Philoptochos ladies who helped us clear out and re-organize our storage spaces downstairs. Thank you to Bob Romac and Dimitri Dactelides for freshening up our front flower bed. Thank you to all the gentleman who have been working to refresh the St. Paul room downstairs. Spiro Frentzas, George Griparis (a special thank you to the Griparis family for donating the paint), Andy Bellos, Mike Haywood, Vic Carusi, and Al Roechner. Thank you to our anonymous donor and Greg Kontos for getting our Online Service streaming going again! A thank you also to the ladies who came and polished the Church's brass fixtures, Theodora, Georgia, Dimitra, and Maria. Thank you to Kristie Cauthen and our Sunday School volunteers who are planning our Saturday of Lazarus retreat.

A lot goes on here, and I'm sure I haven't scratched the surface of all that gets done here, thank you to all our stewards and benefactors who have dedicated so much to the perpetual upkeep our Holy Church!
Dates available through October!
It's a wonderful way to greet your fellow parishioners, or commemorate an anniversary, birthday, family milestone, or memorial. Offering to host it with friends or another family makes the effort easier and more enjoyable.

7: Contos Family
14: Bellos Family, in honor of JoAnne Honiotes
21: Duffy Family
28: Palm Sunday Luncheon

Please, pray for the health and protection of our beloved parishioners:
Thelma Theodore, Esther Anthos, Athena Christos, Elaine Koliopoulos, Michelle Kooy, Vange Policandriotes, Dempsey Taylor, Mary Tucci, and Margie Walsh.

*contact the church office to be added to our prayer list*
Church Calendar &
Fr. Anastasios' Appointment Schedule

Stewardship, Candles, 7day votives, and tray offering donations can be made through our Online Giving app
Online Streaming Services Available on our YouTube Page
102 N. Broadway St.
Joliet, IL 60435
Office: 815-722-1727
Fr. Anastasios: 847-414-4874
Email: tasso.theo@gmail.com