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August is Over ! Where Did it Go !
The summer is coming to a close just as fast as it started, and what a hot one it was ! This year we've had more days over 30 Celsius than any other, we all felt it. So did our water supply and air quality. Remember, we are all in this together let's do our part and reduce, reuse and recycle !

This month has been good to us and we were lucky to get a bit of time at our family cottage and keep busy (mostly inside) when we were in the city. We've got many great opportunities coming our way this September and we couldn't be more excited for that, along with cooler weather.

Just a reminder you can find all our previous newsletters on our website if you need a refresher

Tip of the Month: Garden Tags

Almost every house we've been into has or has had v enetian blinds at some point, and many of them end up in the landfills. So here is a tip to help prevent that. It may be a bit late in the season for this but it will be a great one to keep in your back  pocket or use when you're bringing some of your plant's in doors for the winter. 

Take old Venetian blinds and cut the slats into 8-inch strips. Cut a point on one end for pushing into the dirt. They are rigid, waterproof and great for writing each flower or vegetables name. 
The Coon Conundrum

The research is in and the paper been written. we've gone through many myths and emails, and have come up with the top 3 frugal and fantastic raccoon stoppers. Thanks to all that chimed in on this very interesting topic, we were amazed at how many different solutions you all had. 

Painting Tips on Facebook

This month on Facebook we had a peel free painting series, where we talked about oil paint, lead paint and how to deal with both of them safely.  Remember to like us on Facebook to get some handy tricks and the latest on our most recent jobs or check out our Facebook feed on the bottom of our website's home page.