Thank you for your support. Join us this summer for garden compost & more.

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A last-minute delivery from our partner facility: a fresh load of finished compost has been dropped off at the Lower Hackett site. The compost is self-serve. Please feel free to come and go as needed. Remember to bring your buckets or containers. We advise bringing a shovel or other supplies. If you need assistance to load up (or require shovels or tools), we have weekly volunteer days every Thursday from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. Swing by then and we are happy to help!

Reference photo below:

The compost is in the leftmost bay in front of the garden. If you're tipping your compost bucket, you'll find these concrete bays on the other side of the parking lot. Please do not take wood chips or soil - these are used for the community garden program.

Uh oh... no K-cups, please:

A quick refresher on what we cannot accept:

  • K-cups (and 'compostable' K-cups)
  • Paper towels and paper products
  • Plastic bags and 'compostable' plastic bags (they appear as garbage to our hauler)
  • Grass clippings
  • Bottles of tequila (you can't make this stuff up, folks)

Trash can be disposed of at the bin near the entrance of the parking lot. Thanks!

Summer scrub-down

Ah, the sweet smell of compost buckets on a summer's day.

We're hosting another bucket scrub-down like last year's. Visit Lower Hackett to dump off your compost bin and go through our car-wash-style cleaning station. Volunteers will help wash out and sanitize your buckets.

Thursday, June 29th from 5:00 - 7:00 pm at Lower Hackett community garden.

Wanna help out? (We know you do). Email

Want to get involved?

Are you looking to give input and insight into the compost program? Have ideas and want to get involved?

There's a compost planning group at the Easton Environmental Advisory Committee's monthly meetings. Come to City Hall (3rd floor) on the first Tuesday each month from 6:00 to 7:30 pm to participate in discussions.

More information on EAC here.

Compost bucket returns

Folks move out of the area, start compost piles at home, or are swept away with the chaos of life. We totally get it! If you need to return your Easton Compost Program bucket, here's how:

  1. Dump out your compost bin as usual.
  2. Email with the subject line "compost bucket return" and your home zip code. We will unsubscribe you from email updates as well.
  3. Leave your bucket outside of the Lower Hackett Community Garden gate (just a few steps away from the compost collection area) OR you can return your bucket on June 29th during our Bucket Scrub-Down event.

Easton Garden Works

Just a reminder of the shenanigans and volunteer opportunities from Easton Garden Works.

  • Visit our West Ward Market booth for weekly garden-themed activities from 3:00 - 7:00 pm every Wednesday on N. 12th Street next to Paxinosa Elementary.
  • Weekly volunteer nights at Lower Hackett Community Garden every Thursday from 5:00 - 7:00 pm.
  • More hands-on garden help once a week, different garden each time! Check out dates here to volunteer.
  • EGW workshops will resume soon (so much to do at West Ward Market!). Stay tuned for updates on Sustainable Floristry, Herbal Teas, and other workshops.
Poll: How often do you tip your scraps at the compost collection site?
More than once weekly.
Once weekly.
Once every two weeks.
Fewer than once every two weeks.