13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 30, 2024
“Do not be afraid; just have faith." (Mk 5:36)
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In this edition:
Summer in the City Food Drive
July Weekend Retreat
Openings in the Schola
OCIA & Children's Faith Formation sign-ups
& more
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Let us pray:
—for the sick, especially Anne Mitchell, Catherine Parello, Luis Miguel Silva, Maria da Silva, Francisca Granados Flores, Soila Manchame, Margaret Judy, Sofía Valero, Dorianne Alvarado, Donald Klawiter, Simona, Halina Mielnik, Camilia Juber Carmona, John Guerriero, Elsa Henderson, Patricia Castro, Michael Harrill, Eileen Elvin, Geralda Masi, Katie Roland, Peter Tan, Mary & Carl Milewski, Therese Fergo, Maria Gianino, Yolanda Mendez Acevedo, Anne Rader, Robyn Nishimi, Paul Gruber, Sick of Mufide Rende Family, and Blanca Rose Juarez.
To add a name to the prayer list of the sick or recently deceased, email Msgr. Jameson. If asking for prayers for a person who is sick, please first get their permission.
Mystical Word | Discovering Jesus' Experience of God
Reflecting on Sunday's Gospel reading from Mark, L.J. Milone writes "Two women experience Jesus’ power to heal. . . . Jesus praises their faith and calls them to faith for that is how Jesus transmits his own experience of the gratuitously loving mystery of God. The secret of Jesus’ miraculous ministry and marvelous teaching is his relationship with God." READ THE REFLECTION
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A Great Send-off for our Parochial Vicar
Thanks to all who stopped by Sunday's farewell celebrations for Fr. John Benson. The outpouring of affection was strong. If you missed the good-bye, catch him after Saturday's (June 29) 5:30pm Vigil Mass—his final Mass as our Parochial Vicar (with Confessions from 4 to 5pm). Effective July 3, he takes up his new assignment as Administrator of St. John Vianney Parish in Prince Frederick, MD. Let's keep Fr. John in our prayers. (Click the image for more photos on Instagram)
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In the July Rector's letter coming shortly, Msgr. Jameson officially welcomes to St. Matthew's Fr. Isaac Sagastume and Fr. Joseph McHenry, Parochial Vicars, and Mary Ferranti, Director of Communications. | |
In a recent update we shared Msgr. Jameson's farewell message to Maureen Hurley. This week, Maureen shares a farewell before her last day on Friday, July 12, and reflects on her time (2006 - 2024) at St. Matthew's as Assistant to the Rector. | |
Above, a rare group shot of St. Matthew's staff and priests (2023) in the Cathedral, from a singing video message filmed for Cardinal Gregory. (L to R, Fr. John Benson, Msgr. Ron Jameson, Pam Erwin, Ricardo Tobar, Seminarian David Narvaez, Oscar Hernandez, Fatima Aybar, L.J. Milone, Fr. Jack Hurley, Maria DaSilva, Luis Valderama, Lourdes Silva, Tom Stehle, and Maureen Hurley (several staff members are not pictured). | |
Discovering what a parish CAN be like has been one of the greatest gifts from my 18 years at St. Matthew’s. What I found here is a community that welcomes, makes room for people, and reaches into the downtown community. Part of its character flows from being a city parish, but the tenor and example start at the top. When it comes to pastoral care, I have not seen anyone try as hard as Msgr. Jameson to say yes to those who come to him for help.
Many of my best memories are of working with our generous volunteers—our hospitality ministers, Cathedral tour guides, and rectory office volunteers. As my focus has shifted and fellow staffers have taken over coordinating these groups, I have missed the people and the conversations.
Building up our parish communications has been gratifying and worth the effort. Launching our new website in 2022 was especially rewarding. Writing our Weekly Updates, promoting the ministries of fellow staff members, and connecting with you on social media are a step away from face-to-face but have a wider reach. I hope these have strengthened the ties among us.
Almost 10 years ago I was blessed to begin spending time each week with my first grandbaby, Ellie. Then came Rowan, Koa, Evie, Maisie, and another granddaughter due in the fall. I'm so happy knowing I'll soon have more time with my husband, children and grandchildren.
With the changes here at St. Matthew’s, you can sense new purpose. I feel the same in my family and trust that now is the right time 'under heaven' for both. Thank you to our dedicated lay staff and priests, to our parishioners, volunteers and friends, and to Msgr. I pray for a blessed year ahead for you and ask for your prayers for me and my family. You're in my heart to stay.
Gratefully yours in Christ,
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It's the season for change! Ricardo Tobar, Coordinator of Social Justice, this week announced his resignation, effective July 5, and his upcoming move. We will miss you, Ricardo! | |
Above, Monday Morning Ministry volunteers gathered in 2022 for an end-of-season celebration, shortly after Ricardo joined the Cathedral staff. | |
With a bitter-sweet feeling I am announcing my departure from my office of Coordinator of Social Justice and moving to a new position with the North Capital Collaborative Inc.
I am deeply grateful to Msgr. Jameson, Fr. Benson, the Staff, and the entire St. Matthew’s Community for the opportunity to be your Coordinator for Social Justice these past two years. I was always impressed by the generosity of everyone, always willing to volunteer, to donate and to participate in all the Social Justice events. Please pray for me as I begin a new chapter in my life, seeking to grow in my new career.
Gratefully yours in Christ,
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Con un sentimiento agridulce, anuncio mi salida de mi cargo como Coordinador de Justicia Social y paso a un nuevo puesto en North Capital Collaborative Inc.
Estoy profundamente agradecido con Mons. Jameson, P. Benson, el personal y toda la comunidad de San Mateo por la oportunidad de ser su Coordinador de Justicia Social estos últimos dos años. Siempre me impresionó la generosidad de todos, siempre dispuestos a ser voluntarios, donar y participar en todos los eventos de Justicia Social. Por favor oren por mí mientras comienzo un nuevo capítulo en mi vida, buscando crecer en mi nueva carrera.
Agradecidamente tuya en Cristo,
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Volunteer with Cathedral Livestreaming Team
Do you have experience operating livestreaming equipment, or are you interested in being trained to assist with St. Matthew’s livestreaming of Sunday Masses? Contact Msgr. Jameson for more information or to volunteer.
July & August Suspension of Livestreams
Our Sunday 11am (English) and 1pm (Spanish) Masses livestreams on the Cathedral YouTube channel will be suspended in July and August 2024, with the possibility of resuming in September. Check back in late August for updates.
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Independence Day-related Holiday Schedule
On Thursday and Friday, July 4 and 5, Masses will be celebrated at 7:30am and 12:10pm, with no Confessions or Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, and no First Friday Devotions. The Cathedral will open at 7am and close after the 12:10pm Mass. The rectory office will be closed Thursday and Friday, July 4 and 5, reopening Saturday, July 6.
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Let us pray this Independence Day—
Father of all nations and ages,
We recall the day when our country claimed its place among the family of nations;
for what has been achieved we give you thanks, for the work that still remains we ask your help, and as you have called us from many peoples to be one nation, grant that, under your providence, our country may share your blessings with all the peoples of the earth.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.
(Collect for Independence Day, Roman Missal)
Enjoy the long weekend!
First Saturday Devotions
All are welcome for First Saturday Devotions in the Cathedral on Saturday, July 6 beginning at 12:45pm, following the 12:10pm Mass.
Mass for the Independence of Peru
Confessions Cancelled
The Embassy and the Consulate General of Peru wish to inform the Peruvian Community that on Friday, July 26 at 10am a Mass of Thanksgiving for the 203rd anniversary of the Independence of Peru will be celebrated at the Cathedral. All are welcome. There will be no Confessions that day.
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Sunday Night with C†YA
Join us Sunday nights at 6:30pm, following the 5:30pm Mass, in the North Conference Room. Meet other Catholics, talk about the faith, and build friendships!
Tuesday Happy Hour
Come for a C†YA Happy Hour at 6:30pm on Tuesday, July 9 (and every other Tuesday through the summer) at Aslin Beer Company on 14th Street on Logan Circle.
Blood Drive
C†YA hosts a Blood Drive Sunday, July 14 in the North Conference Room. Save the date to donate blood after Mass, and sign up now with Inova Blood Donor Services!
Let's Stay Connected
C†YA uses a WhatsApp Community to plan future events, post updates, and stay in touch! Join using this link. You can also follow C†YA on Instagram and Facebook for events and news from our community.
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Suspensión de las transmisiones en vivo de las misas dominicales
Nuestras transmisiones en vivo de las misas de los domingos a las 11am (inglés) y 1pm (español) en el canal de YouTube de la Catedral se suspenderán en julio y agosto de 2024, con la posibilidad de reanudarse en septiembre. Vuelva a consultar a finales de agosto para ver las actualizaciones.
Participe como voluntario en el equipo de transmisión en vivo de la Catedral
¿Tiene experiencia en el manejo de equipos de transmisión en vivo o está interesado en recibir capacitación para ayudar con la transmisión en vivo de las misas dominicales de San Mateo? Póngase en contacto con Mons. Jameson o Fatima Aybar para obtener más información o para ser voluntario.
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- Grupo de oración en español – los martes de julio a las 7pm en el salón de conferencias del oeste
Inscripción para Catecismo 2024 – 2025 para niños, adolescentes y adultos – domingo 30 de junio, 10am – 12pm en el salón de conferencias del norte
- Santo Rosario por teléfono en español – todos los días a las 3pm (347-378-0694, PIN 283 201 937#)
Para más información envíe un email a Fatima Aybar o llame a la oficina de la rectoría al 202-347-3215.
Misa de acción de gracias por la Independencia del Perú
Se cancelan las confesiones
La Embajada y el Consulado General del Perú desean informar a la Comunidad Peruana que el viernes 26 de julio a las 10am se celebrará una Misa de acción de gracias por el 203 aniversario de la Independencia del Perú en la Catedral. Todos son bienvenidos. No hay confesiones ese día.
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Online Registration Open
Our Faith Formation Office invites online registration for St. Matthew's Adult Initiation (OCIA, or Order of Christian Initiation) and for our Children's Faith Formation and Sacramental Preparation programs for the upcoming year:
Call for Catechists
For the Children's Faith Formation 2024 - 2025 year we need two catechists. If you are interested in serving as a catechist, please email L.J. Milone, Director of Faith Formation, or call him at 202-347-3215 x 530.
A catechist is a person of faith who hands on the living experience of the Gospel, which is the mystery of God’s love for us. A catechist, most importantly, prays. The catechist also studies the Gospel, spiritual texts, and theology, develops appropriate teaching skills and nurtures his or her spiritual life and personal faith formation. Could this be you?
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Register for Weekend Retreat at Loyola on the Potomac
Join us July 26 – July 28 for "Light of Christ," a weekend retreat for St. Matthew's parishioners and friends at Loyola Retreat House in Faulkner, MD (click below for the flier in PDF).
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July Book Club
Let's get reading the July selection, "Flannery O'Connor: Spiritual Writings," edited by Robert Ellsberg. Fr. Hurley leads this Cathedral Book Club discussion on Thursday, July 18, 7 - 8pm in the West Conference Room.
Meditation on Zoom
Drop in for a meditation session offered by L.J. Milone twice a week on Zoom (Sunday afternoons at 1:30pm and Wednesday evenings at 8pm).
Eckhart on Unity with God
Available on demand on our website
Access on demand videos recorded in 2023 by L.J. Milone on German mystic Meister Eckhart and his teachings on "gelassenheit" or releasement (meaning letting go/letting be) as the key to unity with God. L.J. is the author of "Nothing but God: The Everyday Mysticism of Meister Eckhart."
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Summer in the City Food Drive
Pick up a grocery bag at Masses on the weekend of July 13/14, and check out the list of needed items for this food drive, jointly organized by St. Matthew's and the John S. Mulholland Foundation. Donations will be collected the following weekend, July 20/21. READ MORE
Upcoming in the Fall
St. Matthew's Social Justice staff and committee are busy laying plans for fall activities! Our Back-to-School Gift Card Drive is scheduled for the first two weekends of August, and registration for the Fall Semester of English classes begins September 5. Stay tuned for reminders to engage as the dates approach!
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Cathedral Parish Choirs
St. Matthew's Schola Cantorum, Contemporary Choir, and Spanish Choir are on hiatus, returning Sunday, September 22 for the Feast of St. Matthew.
Auditions for the Schola's Fall Season
The Schola Cantorum has openings for experienced singers in all voice parts. Prospective singers must have significant adult choral experience, good sight-reading skills, and a pleasant, agile voice. The commitment of time and focused energy is significant, particularly at Christmas and Holy Week. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings, 7 - 8:30pm in the weeks when the choir is singing. Contact Tom Stehle for more information or to arrange an audition. READ ABOUT OUR CHOIRS
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See you 'round the Cathedral! | | | | |