Summer Book Study
Starting this June, I will lead a book study on The Air We Breathe by Glen Scrivener. There are many values popular in our modern culture that are often attributed to the secular movements: Equality, Compassion, Consent, Science, Freedom, and more. In The Air We Breathe, Glen Scrivener traces the roots of these ideas not to modern secularism, but ideas, thinkers, and movements that grew out of the Christian tradition.
If you want to learn more about or purchase a copy of the book, you can click HERE.
If you are interested in being a part of the study, email me at or reply to this email. I will reach out in early June to figure out the best time for us to meet.
App-based Bible Study
I'm a firm believer that face-to-face Bible study is one of the best ways to grow as a reader of Scripture. Summer, however, is a time that makes that difficult. Rather than take the Summer off, we are trying something new.
The YouVersion Bible App allows for group Bible studies where people can interact, make comments, and study together even if we are spread out on vacation, work, or busy with life. Starting in June, we will try a hybrid Bible study – reading and interacting on the app, but also gathering in person once a week with whoever is in town.
If you're interested in trying out this app-based Bible study, here are step-by-step instructions so you can be ready to go: