Walking & Biking News & Ideas
We hope you are staying healthy!

The 2021 summer adventure has begun! We have a full load of great ideas for you to enjoy biking and walking around the neighborhood and beyond. Check out the off-street bike trail recommendations for kids, a beautiful trail at Calero County Park, and many inspiring stories we collected at the Bike-To-Wherever-Day event hosted by the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition.

Also, we have good news for our nation and for our city! The Senate Release Transportation Draft looks very promising that our nation will invest more in biking, walking, and rolling infrastructures. Our Carmen Bridge team held many community outreach meetings to move the project forward. You will also find out what the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission is working on to improve traffic safety for our city. 

Hope you will appreciate all these efforts and join the walking and biking movement to make a difference for our planet!
Thank You for Supporting the Carmen Bridge Project!
This Spring, the Carmen Bridge Task Force undertook significant community outreach and meetings with city council and staff. These efforts have drawn tremendous support and endorsements from community leaders and have provided a good deal of information to the City Council. Our goal has been to have the council set aside a budget for design and construction in 2022 – we’d like to see a firm financial commitment to preclude any unforeseen event (aka the pandemic) that would postpone project initiation for another year.

In the proposed 2021-22 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) budget, the city has set aside $75,000 to deal with obtaining property rights to a thin slice (1’x12’ ) of property at the end of a cul-de-sac on the downward facing slope of the Stevens Creek Blvd roadway. We trust that the city will be able to positively resolve this issue so that design can commence.

Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Updates
by Matt Widmann, Walk-Bike Cupertino Board Member
The Bicycle Pedestrian Commission (BPC) meeting in May covered a multi-use path along the Blackberry Farm entrance road, intersection improvements at De Anza Blvd. & McClellan Rd., and traffic signal changes at Stevens Creek Blvd. & Wolfe Rd....If you see a roadway or path in disrepair, report it through Cupertino 311 and, optionally you may email the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission. Read more...
The Blackberry Farm Multi-use Path
McClellan Road Safety Improvements
Traffic Signal Changes at Stevens Creek Blvd.
Get Inspired by the Bike-To-Wherever-Day
by Jian He, Walk-Bike Cupertino Board Member
As a member of Walk-Bike Cupertino (WBC) and Silicon Valley Bike Coalition (SVBC), I volunteered to help with the Bike-To-Wherever-Day (BTWD) event in May. More than 80 BTWD Energizer stations were set up across the bay area to connect enthusiastic bicyclists and encourage more people to ride bikes wherever they go. 

...For my station team, one big decision we made was to transport all the event supplies on bikes...
Can you imagine how a canopy, a table, and a large box of goodie bags and t-shirts are carried along using only one bike?

....It’s so inspiring to exchange our biking experiences, safety tips, and biking gear recommendations...

So, what is your biking story? Welcome to share your biking stories and experiences to inspire more to join in the biking movement... Read more...
Great Off-street Bike Trails for Kids
by Shufeng Bai, Walk-Bike Cupertino Supporter
Ever since my boys can walk, we often spent most of our weekends at museums, zoos, and playgrounds. During the pandemic, that lifestyle has become a distant past. Luckily we quickly adapted to new outdoor activities that are easy to maintain a safe social distance. We used to bike or hike occasionally but now these are our weekly routines.

We have been doing 10-mile bike rides with my 6 and 8 year-old boys on weekends, exploring many bike trails in the bay area, including the Pink Salk Farm in Alviso Marina County Park, beautiful creek trails at Los Gatos, and three small creeks that flow into the bay: San Tomas Aquino Creek TrailStevens Creek Trail, and Guadalupe River Trail. But, most of our weekday rides are around our neighborhood. One of our favorite evening rides is...
Trail Review: Calero County Park
by Sita Rani, a CUSD Educator
A few years ago, a friend introduced and encouraged me to walk regularly and train for the Golden Gate Relay that supports Organs R Us. We also raise funds for the India Literacy Project through this relay. Then as I realized I enjoyed walking, two of my best friends who are great at finding these amazing hikes encouraged me to join them.
Now, I love to hike with family and friends and find new trails in the Bay area. We’re blessed to have so many Open Space Reserves and county/state parks that have wonderful trails, amenities, and views. 

If you love mountain biking or want to try a mellow hike, please try Calero County Park . The trail route we tried was Rancho San Vicente via ...
Senate Release Transportation Draft
with Good news for Bicycling and Walking

The Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) released their transportation bill at the end of May, and scheduled a Committee meeting on May 26, where members offered amendments and voted whether to send the bill forward. The EPW Committee is responsible for the roads and highway section of the bill, so it covers most of the issues pertaining to active transportation...

This is a bipartisan bill, and therefore is not the Biden American Jobs Plan. Because of that, there will be some critical commentary that the bill should be more progressive and more prescriptive, requiring the state to...Read more
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We'd love to hear YOUR voice!

Do you know a great walk, ride, run or hike? Want to share an issue about walking, biking, city planning, or interesting idea?

Walk-Bike Cupertino would love to spotlight it in our newsletter and on our website! Articles should be 500 words or less, and should include a picture (at least 3 pictures for hikes). All submissions are subject to approval & editing, and can be used by Walk-Bike Cupertino in future publications. Contact us here.
Happy Walking and Biking,

Your friends at Walk-Bike Cupertino

Find much more, including maps, safety data, and information on all the city projects at: walkbikecupertino.org