Volunteer Update
 June 12, 2018
6 Ways to Make a Difference this Summer!
Please email Volunteer Manager Sara Rosenbaum at srosenbaum@crcncc.org to sign up or learn more about the following: 
1) Dine & Donate
Help CRC raise important funding for our programs by organizing a Restaurant Night fundraiser to benefit CRC. This is an easy and fun group opportunity! You can also help by organizing another creative event, like a lemonade stand or bake sale. Contact us to talk about ideas!
2) Calling All Book Worms ...
The Encinitas Resale Store is currently in need of volunteers to sort and shelve books! This opportunity is on Saturdays and Sundays from 2-5 pm. Speaking of books ... if you're spring cleaning, consider donating your extra books to the CRC Resale Stores, where they can generate critical funds for CRC. See store hours and locations ›
3) Host a Summer Drive
Our Food and Nutrition Center receives fresh food daily from our local partners, such as Gelson’s Markets and Trader Joe's . However, we rely heavily on donations from the community for dry goods, pantry staples (especially cooking oils and spices!) and personal care items. You can help by hosting a Summer Donation Drive!
4) Be a Summer Substitute!
Sign up to be on-call or to substitute for regular Food & Nutrition Center (FNC) volunteers that will be taking time off during the summer. The FNC runs solely on volunteers who unload our truck deliveries, sort and stock the shelves, and help participants shop for food. Shifts are M-F between the hours of 9:30 am and 2:30 pm.
5) Seeking a Master Gardener
Do you love to garden or do it professionally? We are looking for a consultant to help with a project benefitting our Food and Nutrition Center and our domestic violence prevention programs.
6) Become a CRC Ambassador

Our next CRC Ambassador Training session is scheduled for Wednesday, July 11 from 10:00 am to 11:30 a.m. Come find out how you can represent CRC in the community!
SPOTLIGHT ON: Nutrition Consultations
CRC now offers on-site Nutrition Consultations to CRC-enrolled participants, free of charge, by one of CRC’s very own Food and Nutrition Center volunteers, Anne Fujioka, who is also a Registered Dietitian. Anne consults on nutrition issues such as weight management, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, dietary needs and more. This is another unique benefit that CRC offers to its program participants. These low-income, and sometimes homeless, individuals and families often undergo trauma that impacts their overall health and nutrition. Learn more ›

This month’s volunteer of the month is ANNE FUJIOKA, CRC's nutrition consultant. Anne, thank you for your commitment to the CRC and for providing a valuable service each week!
“Anne is kind, and very knowledgeable. I went to her for information on how to be more healthy and she provided me with many helpful tips as well as a recipe book filled with great recipes I can use. I have even lost a few pounds!” - Mark, CRC participant who meets with Anne

  • Our CRC Ambassadors, who have been busy walking the streets and hanging flyers to help promote our three Resale Stores! Together, our volunteers distributed close to 800 door hangers. Resale Stores are a big part of CRC! They bring in revenue that helps fund our amazing programs, they give people the opportunity to "shop green," and they have really cool stuff! Thank you for helping us get the word out.

  • Everyone who purchased from our Amazon Wish List, hosted a donation drive or purchased items on our behalf. You make a difference!

  • Light Church in Encinitas for their donation of art supplies last month to our Therapeutic Children's Center!
Thank you for your ongoing support!
Stories of volunteering? Send them our way!
We would love to share encouragement to the CRC volunteer team via this newsletter about ways we are all making a difference. Please e-mail stories to Sara Rosenbaum at srosenbaum@crcncc.org .  
Community Resource Center | (760) 230-6501|   info@crcncc.org   |   CRCNCC.org