August 2023

Photo: Meadow on Summer Day by Dakota Roos via Unsplash

Summer Updates from Illume

Illume Benchmarks: Turnaround Statistics

Measuring the health of an interlibrary loan system is a crucial but complex undertaking. In an effort to identify staff challenges, recommend software optimizations, and assess our pandemic recovery, the Illume Support Centre recently completed a 5-year analysis of consortial turnaround statistics.

Borrower & Lender statistics for both Public & Post-secondary libraries from 2018 to 2022 were reviewed to determine how quickly patrons receive their requests, and how often requests go unfilled within Illume. These particular benchmarks can be helpful in assessing the overall health of our interlibrary loan system, as well as individual library workflows. Identifying both system and library-specific roadblocks is the first step in reducing staff workload and overcoming any potential service barriers.

Public libraries have rebounded completely post-pandemic on the lender side! In 2019 & 2022, public Lenders shipped approximately 74% of available physical items within 4 days. In 2022, this helped Borrower libraries place 53% of requested items into the hands of their patrons in under 2 weeks. This is only a small decrease from 2019 benchmarks (~56%) and may be related to post-pandemic staffing shortages and postal slowdowns.

Post-secondary libraries also stayed steady with ~95% of both Returnable (loan) and Non-returnable (copy) requests shipped to other Illume member libraries within 4 days. Academic patrons receive their items faster post-pandemic with approximately 82% of requests (mostly journal articles) received within 4 days, compared to pre-pandemic rates of approximately 70%.

The commitment of Illume libraries as great partners, even amongst staffing shortages and other challenges, is likely why Illume continues to see steady lending outcomes. And patrons continually receive upwards of 86% of their Illume-requested items every year.

To request your library-specific 5-year turnaround analysis, please contact the Illume Support Centre. Illume administrators can also view their recent SHAREit turnaround statistics under their Staff Dashboard > Statistics > ILL Statistics > Borrower Days to Receive & Lender Days to Supply reports.

This fall, we will offer group and individual training sessions with information on how existing software optimizations, such as Live Shelf Status Checks, Patron-initiated interlibrary loans, and Borrowing & Lending policies, can improve turnaround times and staff workload. We will also present newly available features such as SIP2, SSO, or NCIP that can take your library to the next level and automate a variety of workflows between SHAREit and your ILS, including patron authentication!

Waves of Change: Illume Enhancements in SHAREit

The Illume Support Centre plays an important advocacy role within our interlibrary loan network – gathering software enhancement suggestions from libraries and submitting them, along with broad system feedback, to the SHAREit software vendor Auto-Graphics.

Over the past five years, a dozen of these feature recommendations have been accepted through a customer-wide voting process or directly approved by Auto-Graphics.

Illume libraries' desired features were among the top-voted new enhancements by all SHAREit customers:

Auto-Graphics has also directly approved adding:

  • Currently available features, such as Desktop Delivery
  • Upcoming new features, such as OpenILL for importing patron requests into SHAREit from third-party vendors like EBSCO – available this fall!
  • Upcoming new multiple Preferred Lender List options, such as separate load leveling for Copy & Loan requests.

Also on the horizon are enhancements like peer-to-peer requesting to expand SHAREit functionality with additional communication options outside the SHAREit system. This advocacy work and your suggestions result in a better, more efficient workflow experience for Illume libraries. And we're now collecting additional suggestions for 2024 SHAREit enhancements. Please contact us with your suggestions and the Illume Support Centre will advocate on your behalf!

Auto-Graphics SHAREit 5-Year Licence Renewal

BC ELN negotiated a new 5-year Auto-Graphics SHAREit license and hosting support agreement for April 2023 to March 2028.

Annual increases were maintained at a low 2% rate and negotiations also included long-desired features at no cost – including free setup of SIP2, NCIP, LDAP or SSO for every library in the Illume system!

More information on staff workflow savings* for SHAREit and ILS integration, such as automated patron authentication, will be available soon. Please contact us if you have any questions! *Note: a low annual vendor support fee will be assessed per activated library/system for features like SIP2/NCIP.

Now Available: Illume Actions & Achievements 2022

Looking for a concise and attractive summary to share with administrators of the excellent collaborative work Illume libraries have done in the past year?

Look no further! Download the 2022 Illume Actions & Achievements report (accessible version). You'll find a list of Illume's 2022 achievements, including a recap of our software advocacy, a membership growth update, the successful conclusion of the BC ELN Elimination of ILL Fees Initiative, and more!

Download Illume Actions & Achievements 2022

Celebrating Anita Cocchia

The Illume BC community is celebrating the retirement of Anita Cocchia, BC ELN Executive Director.

Anita has supported interlibrary resource sharing in BC for over 30 years. She remembers mailing out CD-ROMs for the BC union catalogue during her early days as a Librarian/Analyst for BC ELN. When OutLook on CD-ROM was introduced in 1992, the database contained approximately 2 million bibliographic records and fit on 2 discs! Anita was instrumental in the launch of OutLook OnLine (OLOL) in 1998, the creation of the OLOL Administrative Centre in 2015, and the rebranding of the provincial interlibrary loan service to Illume in 2019.

Anita's vision and leadership have ensured equitable, collaborative, and efficient interlibrary resource sharing between libraries in BC and the Yukon. She has left a lasting legacy, and she will be missed.

Best wishes and congratulations on your retirement, Anita!

Demonstrating OutLook OnLine at the 1998 BC Library Conference.

Celebrating with Myfanwy (Vaughn) Postgate, Illume Support Librarian.

The BC Electronic Library Network (BC ELN) hosts and staffs the Illume Administrative Centre.

Questions? Contact the Illume Administrative Centre.

Visit the Illume Website