by Birgitte Fich
Soul Level Astrology ® |
Dear Cosmic Weather Report Readers,

Things are heating up on Putney Mountain this summer and all over the world. Many old ideas and obsolete systems are breaking down, and the soul of the world is being stirred to come up with something new.

I'm deep in the writing of The Ruby Heart of the Dragon: Sun Signs for Our Times. For two-and-a-half years I've been tearing down the zodiac and rebuilding it from scratch, a challenge that's pushing my astrological sensibilities and writing skills to the limit, and teaching me much about both.

The book's due out next spring, and in a few days we'll be sending you a survey with a few questions that can help my book meet the special needs of this moment.
I'd appreciate if you'd take a minute and fill it out.

I promise it's short and will help you hone your own desire to meet this moment.
Thanks in advance for your much-appreciated support.

Mark, Marcella and the College of Visionaries & Wizards.

Art by Birgitte Fich

Cosmic Weather Report July 2021
Summer Shake-Up:
7 Planets Change Signs

By Soul Level Astrologer Mark Borax  
Putney Mountain,Vermont

This July seven planets change signs which is about twice as many as normally switch signs in a month, and is heaven's way of shaking things up down here on Earth. Most of this occurs in the second half of the month.
Planets are the movers and shakers of astrology, who animate the action. Signs are the journey planets take to make things happen, and when this many planets change signs in such a short time, the journey quickens, energies fly fast and furiously to loosen up stuck ideas and attitudes.

One of the stuckest is the idea that power moves from the top down, as if those few billionaires and power brokers in charge of state policy and mass media have some sort of divine right to dictate terms to the rest of us, and that major power brokers like the federal government know what's best for you and me.
by Kevin McGeeney
The Aquarian Age is the time predicted for mass consciousness to rise above these ideas and give power to the people. To be able to grasp that power and use it wisely, mass consciousness has to break out of limiting paradigms and learn to think for itself, which is an idea that scares the shit out of puppet masters who are now doing their damndest to be sure such revolt doesn't happen again like it started to in the 1960s.

by Birgitte Fich

As Mercury, Vesta, Venus, the Sun, Jupiter, Mars and Ceres all switch locations, releasing one journey for another, the time's at hand for you and I to push against barriers of thought and open new lines of communication. Fear needs to be resisted, and the courage to think outside the box is the best way to align with these changes.

Master Soul Level Astrologer
Mark Borax

Mark Borax is a teacher, astrologer, musician and author who lives in Vermont and writes the monthly Cosmic Weather Report email newsletter. He offers readings over the telephone and in-person, and classes that catalyze individual evolution. 

The Cosmic Weather Report book can be ordered from bookstores and Amazon. Mark's international bestseller 2012: Crossing the Bridge to the Future can be ordered at
Soul Level Astrology® | |
PO Box 623
Putney, VT 05346