Over the Rainbow
Join us for a journey into a magical realm,
a world of hope and vibrant colors,
symbolizing our dream of equality, acceptance and unity.
Experience more than just a melody;
visualize a welcoming world and realize your own magical gifts.
The theme of the Summer 2024 CMG,
“Over the Rainbow” reminds many of us of the 1939 film "The Wizard of Oz" and its message of hope for a better future.
Thus, we celebrate the symbol of the rainbow and its many colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet ~~ our symbol for a world of equality.
“Over the Rainbow” speaks to our longing for a life that is free of the difficulties of the everyday… where bluebirds fly to a place where dreams really do come true. Through Community Assemblies, Small Groups, Workshops of many and wondrous kinds, and special "Camp" Gatherings, we will share our personal journeys and hopes for the future.
We will also celebrate the vibrant and fantastical world of Oz. Our Saturday night Video Request Dance, Sunday afternoon Pool Party/Fashion Show and Sunday night Variety Show "should" feature colorful costumes, dramatic characters, and memorable music. This isn't just about escape; it is
about finding our inner strength and empowerment. Like Dorothy’s diverse friends, we will celebrate our quirks and differences, showing that we have the Courage, Heart, Brains and Spirit to be ourselves, despite the world around us.
Come journey with us “Over the Rainbow” as we create a truly welcoming and inclusive community where troubles melt away, like lemon drops. A place “way up high” where, for a weekend at least, dreams of Equality, Acceptance and Belonging really do come true.....
“Over the Rainbow”
Special for First Time Attendees: Consider being in a "Buddy picture"!
If you're feeling a little like Dorothy just after the house has landed on the Witch of the East, READ ON. We know you'll want to Follow the Yellow Brick Road to find if your heart's own true desire is still in your own backyard....if you only start at the very beginning and meeing a Buddy happen for her right away!
Really DO consider asking for a Buddy! Just like Dot, having a "native" friend or three is a BIG help. They might not be "perfect": perhaps lacking a bit of Brain, Heart or Courage. But they've been to a Gathering before and they really can answer your questions and be a friendly face that you might find you "miss most of all" when it comes time to go home.
In most cases, they'll MEET with you before you go to camp, either in person or at least talk with you on the phone, Zoom or Facetime. And they'll be LOOKING for You on Friday afternoon. That's a pretty nice feeling all by itself! Even if you are "partnered" or are coming with a friend, you STILL can have a Buddy. This isn't a blind date. They're a resource to help you have the BEST POSSIBLE GATHERING. That's all.
Whatever else happens, is up to you. I will tell you that MANY, MANY lifetime friendships come out of Buddies helping Newbies to navigate the Poppy Fields on their journey, just sayin'.
How do I get to camp &
What should I bring?
We endeavor to coordinate ride sharing for participants both for improved Gathering experience and for our impact on the environment. If you need a ride or wish to provide one, please indicate that information during registration and men might contact you about a week ahead to coordinate ride sharing. If you are registering
late or live in a remote rural area, it may not be possible for us to find you a ride but our track record is fabulous.
And simply by registering, we reserve the right to give enough information to a man needing a ride for him to call/email you and ASK you for one if we think you "might" be a match. That’s WHY our track record is fabulous. You don’t have to both TAKE and RETURN a man as one way rides are sometimes how it needs to be. Many a lasting friendship started on a a [Yellow Brick] road trip too!
Around 10 days before the Gathering, you will receive a “Welcome Letter” email with logistical information about the weekend, including directions to the venue, and a recommended list of what to bring (and not to bring).
Go to Registration
Oh, and for you Guys who are NEW to CMG [and as a reminder to the humbugs that are in every group], we DO allow "Pay Later". BUT we DO NOT "hold space", especially Room Upgrades UNTIL they're paid for. And, if that "Late Registration" deadline passes, and we don't have payment, oops, your rate just went UP $100 lollypops! Worse, if your registration isn't PAID for and your room upgrade SELLS OUT [and there are only FOUR Private Queens, princess], then you get to be on the wait list. And the world keeps on spinning.
Oh, and we really cannot do "time payments", partial payments, payments AFTER the Gathering & etc. We're all volunteers and nobody got time to chase after people who don't keep their promises. It's hard to have to say that, but that will be the answer if you ask. Like the Wizard, that is just not in my bag of tricks. I love you all, I just can't "usually" get someone in without them paying. Even at the height of AIDS, the camp still needed to get paid.
SUPER IMPORTANT for you ALL to know:
Near the end of Registration there will be "Agreements". You should READ them. You can cancel after you register, but there is the $50 Processing Fee and after the cutoff date, we don't promise to refund anything. The Agreements are the standard we expect CMG guys to live up to. Please be one of us!
We did a survey after Summer 2023 and asked what you wanted for Summer 2024. The guys who responded said, "We WANT Camp Newman and We WANT Labor Day Weekend! Camp Newman costs MORE than it used to and MORE than our So CA home, Pathfinder Ranch where we are for Spring and Fall Gathers. But we got what you WANTED. And guess what? The PRICE WENT UP this year. Not surprising, everything else got MORE expensive too: food, energy, staff, materials, interest. Even in OZ, the bills gotta be paid.
We were able to LOWER the cost PER MAN, for EACH MAN, by $75 [based on 100 attendees] because TWO wonderfully generous guys DONATED for that specific purpose. When you get to the end of the pricing page, there's a note about this next to DONATIONS. ALL donations allow us to lower the price for guys to attend. Donations you make in Registration specifically go towards the cost of Financial Aid and First Timer Discounts and NOTHING ELSE. So, if you can, "give a little bit back". You got $75 off whatever you paid. FA that's $100 more. Firsties auto-matically get $150 off. Any one of those numbers is NICE. Any amount at all is APPRECIATED.
You can ALSO put money aside for CMG in via our LEGACY Fund by writing it into your Will or Trust. You can transfer $$$ directly from your Retirement Accounts to CMG to avoid having to pay TAXES on the distributions and getting a Tax-Deductible Donation Credit if you do that correctly. We are an IRS 501 (c)(3) Educational "all-volunteer" Non-Profit.
Nobody gets paid [except the Lifeguard because we legally have to have one and since we make him WORK all weekend and he needs to keep up his Life Safety Certification, we PAY him, or rather woefully UNDERPAY him, but that is how he contributes back!]. So, think about it. Nobody gets OUT of Kansas with any money just like nobody came IN with any. Pay it forward, just like the guys who started CMG 46 years ago this Gathering did! Contact Al, our Cheerfully Funding Organism to "make a plan" at Treasurer@thecmg.org
Oh, and no matter who you meet at the Summer Gather, remember, TWO of them donated to make it cheaper for EVERYONE! I'm not telling you who because they asked to anonymous. So just treat everyone like they're your "Sugar Daddy"! Because Karma. And join their club if you possibly can!
back to top of column 2.....>
You got all the way to the bottom, and didn't find your answers, an email to Registrar@TheCMG.org might be your ticket to ride.