El Amanecer - The Sunrise
August, 2019 Issue

The Official Newsletter of The Spanish American Center, Inc.
News and Notes From Neddy:

Wow! What can I say about July? It has been quite a whirlwind month with many sites running simultaneously. We sponsor a Summer Eat s Program, which includes Silver Leaf, Fournier Park, Allen Crest, and Riverside Village and several other sites.  Without your welcoming us, it wouldn’t have been possible to accomplish this service. This was truly a community effort. Thank you so much, you have made a difference in the lives of these children during their summer vacation. As you all know this summer program is geared toward feeding healthy breakfasts and lunches to our neighborhood school children, so they don’t go hungry. They also got to be "hands on" in a number of activities with the participation and collaboration of other agencies and organizations such as 4-H Clubs, Expanded Su mmer Math, Food and Nutrition Education Program , and the Cool Cash Program from Fidelity Bank .  Author Grace Birch visited one of our sites with her book: Otto’s Home. She did a fantastic presentation and gave a free cute stuffed dog to each child. We have been fortunate to have all these collaborators supporting our program sites.

T he children participated in recreational activities in their new room, donated by Katie & Peter Bovenz i and volunteers, as well as outdoor activities, like going to the Water Park and local playgrounds, they played soccer, and basketball as well. They enjoyed nature and animals by going to the Lancaster Mentor Farm , and Gove Farm in Leominster. Thank you to Growing Places for helping to secure a site at Allencrest for a Community Garden. They had reading time with Debbie Richard , a good friend of the Center, many thanks Debbie, the Center appreciates your work here. The sites also had veggie and fruit tasting presentations for the children in an effort to enhance good nutrition. 

In addition, we have been very involved in preparing our closure activity for the Summer Eats Program which is our big Block Party. We had our usual contact and shared with other agencies and community leaders as usual. I want to thank the Fitchburg Senior Center for the food donation that we got yesterday. We were also lucky to have Senator Jim McGovern come and visit our sites in three different occasions. On the 29th he stopped by just for coffee and conversation with us. Thank you Senator McGovern, please come again.

I also want to thank Erica Dellovo, youth leader at the Leominster United Methodist Churc h, for having a group of teens come to paint our picnic tables and clean our yard.

As you see it has been a very busy, engaging and successful month at the Center. As I prepare myself to take a summer break, I want to wish all, a very safe and fun rest of the summer. Thank you for your interest and involvement in our common cause of serving others, for a better world.

 Peace, love and joy,
Neddy Latimer

The weather is heating up and a sunny day is predicted for our annual Block Party at SAC! We express our gratitude to our friends at The Leominster Cultural Council and The City Of Leominster for their support of this annual event at the conclusion of our summer programs for children! ¡Muchas Gracias! Many Thanks!
See what we've been up to this summer at one of our many activity sites in Leominster, Fitchburg, Gardner AND Winchendon by clicking HERE for the rest of the story reported in the Sentinel & Enterprise. Here's just an excerpt:
"The main focus of the program, according to Program Manager Mickey Guzman, is providing free breakfast and lunches for children from low-income families, many of whom receive reduced or free breakfasts and lunches from school when it is in session.
The program receives funding from several places, including the U.S. Department of Education and Project Bread.
And while the center, which has operated the program for 15 years, is not required to host the children for the entire morning, according to Guzman, it was the center’s choice to provide children a structured, safe place to socialize and participate in educational programs during the summer."

Join us to Celebrate another year of success at the Spanish American Center as we continue to help our neighbors in need!

ALL proceeds benefit the  S panish American Center, Inc.

  • Caribbean music courtesy of Andres Crespo & “Son Boriqa” for dancing!
  • Dinner with Spanish American Food featured (catered by SAC)!
  • Hispanic Heritage Month honors for Neddy Latimer and Peter Bovenzi..
  • Raffles.
  • Sponsorships are needed (Bronze $250, Gold- $500, Platinum- $1.000) — all with opportunity to get your business seen in our social media postings plus complimentary tickets for this event!
  • Tickets are $25 ea. with meal included in your ticket price!
The Spanish American Center joined with Rep. Natalie Higgins and other concerned citizens at a candlelight vigil in Leominster Center to promote awareness of the plight of migrants and asylum-seekers at America's southern border with Mexico -- specifically children and families. Congressman Jim McGovern's legislative aide and SAC Board Member Eladia Romero spoke about her recent trip to the border and the issues she addressed with the Congressman as a result. Please click below for videos and more photos of Leominster's Lights For Liberty on our website. Thank you to all who attended, organized, spoke, sang and prayed! ¡Muchas Gracias! Thank you! Below - poster of participants at Leominster's Lights For Liberty.
For more photos and videos of the vigil CLICK HERE .
Volunteers with our friends at Sleep in Heavenly Peace - Building Beds for Children in Need were at SAC this past Saturday, July 27, 2019. - Other volunteers were: 
Theresa, Shane and Brady WALKER
Denise MONIZ
and folks listed Above! Special thanks to Christopher Alphen, Team Organizer of Sleep In Heavenly Peace Middlesex Chapter for this incredible team effort. For videos of the bed-builders in action, including our own Neddy Latimer, visit our You Tube videos HERE . ( Photos & Video by Jean-Pierre Boissy )
Sleep In Heavenly Peace Information HERE !
Teamwork (for our tables!)
Our outdoor picnic tables at the Center were in desperate need of a good facelift. Thanks to a generous donation of gallons of white paint from The Aubuchon Family and some painting partners from The Leominster United Methodist Church Youth Group our tables are reborn! Thank you to Erika Dellovo, Youth Leader and her team of teen volunteers! ¡Muchas Gracias!
Coffee With The Congressman
We were happy to meet with Congressman Jim McGovern, (D) who visited SAC on Monday, July 29, 2019. Pictured here are SAC's Angel Vega, Neddy Latimer and Sonia Rodriguez along with Congressman
McGovern beside our very busy summer delivery van!
Silverleaf Summer Program Participants