June 24, 2024

Summer Office Hours Begin Today!

Summer office hours begin Today, June 24. The OLLI office will be open Monday–Thursday, 9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.

We will be closed Fridays.

As a reminder, the only area accessible to OLLI members over the summer is the OLLI Office. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation while we host Youth Programs.

Our regular office hours of Monday–Friday, 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. resume Tuesday, September 3.

Please check our online calendar for important upcoming dates.

Join OLLI for the Ashland 4th of July Parade!

Want to stay engaged with your OLLI at SOU friends over the summer? Show your OLLI pride and join us for the downhill 4th of July parade walk! We will be walking with the SOU contingent.

This years theme is "Go 4th For Kids! We're all kids at heart." Wear Raider red or your OLLI shirt to show support for SOU!

To join OLLI's parade contingent, contact OLLI volunteer MaryBeth Limpert at mblimpert@sbcglobal.net. Continue checking your weekly Newsflash for more information about meeting time and location.

Learn more about the parade on the Ashland Chamber website.

Have You Made an Annual Gift to OLLI Yet?

The last day of our fiscal year is June 30th. If you’ve yet to donate this year, we invite you to make a tax-deductible donation to the OLLI at SOU Annual Fund before the deadline. 

We've set an audacious goal to reach 30% member giving participation this fiscal year, and thanks to an amazing response from supporters, we just surpassed 26% of members who are also donors—we need just seventy-five more giving members to reach our goal!

In celebration of our 30th anniversary, please make a gift of any size by June 30th to help us surpass 30% of members donating!

Give Now

Annual Membership Available Monday, July 1

The OLLI at SOU annual membership will be available starting Monday, July 1. If you plan to renew your membership online, make sure you know how to sign into your account.

Our office support volunteers and staff will be on hand next week to help any member who runs into any issues while logging in and renewing their annual membership.

Members are also welcome to come into the office and renew their membership in-person.

Printed Catalog Opt-Out Available

Any OLLI at SOU member can support SOU's sustainability mission by "going green" and opting-out of receiving the printed course catalog. The Fall 2024 catalog will be available online Monday, July 29. If you would like to opt out, simply email the OLLI office at olli@sou.edu. Please be sure to include your name, address, and a message that you are opting out of the printed catalog.

Please note: You will only be removed from the catalog mailing list if you request it. You do not need to contact the OLLI office if your household prefers to continue receiving a printed catalog.

Lifelong Learning Opportunities

Thursday, June 27: OLLI instructor Dwight Wilson and SOU Student Asa Mokuta host Death Café at Celia's House in Holmes Park.

SOU News Southern Exposure, published Tuesday, June 18

Have a question or need help with your OLLI membership?

The OLLI at SOU office is happy to assist you.

Email: olli@sou.edu  |  Phone: 541.552.6048

Office hours: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Pacific Time, Monday–Friday

Contact OLLI / Directions