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July 2017 Newsletter
Director’s Message: Partnership Update
Dear Partners,

We know that the conditions in which we live, learn, work, play and age have an enormous impact on our health. And right now certain communities in our state do not have equal opportunity for good health. For this reason, the collaborative efforts of the many H&EP Partners working together on innovative solutions to expand pathways to health for everyone are so important for the future for our state!

Most of the H&EP Steering Committee members attended the May 2017 Collective Impact Convening, taking advantage of the unique opportunity of it being held in Boston this year. We met people from all over the world who are using the Collective Impact approach to promoting social change by addressing complex, systemic issues. There were approximately 900 participants at this meeting, a portion of which was held in joint session with the Aspens Institute’s Youth Incentive Fund Spring Convening. Attendees learned from speakers – as well as each other – during plenaries and more than 40 different sessions. The beauty of attending together was in the rich discussion after the convening stimulated by all the learning!

The Steering Committee members and I are excited to now be better equipped to continue to support our initiative towards having a collective impact, as we seek for all a fair opportunity to live a long, healthy life.

As always, I’d love to hear from you with your questions or comments.


Nathalie Ahyi
H&EP Program Director

www.equitynh.org or www.facebook.com/equitynh
(be sure to “like” us while you are there)

NH H&EP Steering Committee members at the 2017 Collective Impact Convening with Liz Weaver of the Tamarack Institute, Ontario. Standing, from left to right: Liz Weaver, Maria Doyle, Anne Diefendorf, Selma Taharija, Victoria Adewumi, Woullard Lett, Andrew Smith, Kirsten Durzy, Bobbie Bagley, Kary Jencks. Front row, left to right:  Marie Mulroy, Nathalie Ahyi-Amendah, and Trinidad Tellez.
A Warm “Thank You!” to Kary Jenks and the NH Citizens Alliance

This month we are pleased to feature one of our H&EP Steering Committee members. Since 2013, Kary Jencks has served as the Executive Director of the New Hampshire Citizens Alliance (NHCA), a non-partisan organization whose mission is to further social, economic, and political justice in the Granite State.  

Kary and the NHCA staff worked tirelessly to equip community members to help shape decisions, policies, and programs that impact them. 

Through promoting and facilitating civic engagement, NHCA has helped New Hampshire residents create a better quality of life for themselves. Over the past four decades NHCA has been a cornerstone for grassroots advocacy in the Granite State.  But, as they say, all good things must come to an end. NHCA closed its operations in Spring of 2017 leaving behind a legacy of activism and paving the way for a new wave of advocacy in New Hampshire.

Congratulations!  Longtime New Hampshire Leader, Brenda Lett, Honored by YWCA

On May 12th, the YWCA New Hampshire hosted their 8th annual Empowerment Breakfast. 

Brenda Lett was recognized for Exceptional Accomplishments in Empowering through Equity and Leadership: For your innovative work through equity and leadership with people of color which ultimately empowers communities and builds capacity for stronger futures and generations of leaders in New Hampshire.   

Also recognized at the event were Mayor Ted Gatsas, for Empowering Community, and Ms. Cassandra Levesque, for Empowering Women & Youth.

Left to Right: Claudette Williams, Susan Grosby, Brenda Lett, Jacqueline Davis, Rev. Mary Georges, and Hamisi Juma.
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Opportunity for Action:  The Rights of Pregnant Women in the Granite State Are At Risk

During the 2017 New Hampshire State Legislative Session, the New Hampshire Reproductive Rights Initiative and long-time reproductive rights allies – ACLU-NH, Equality Health Center, Joan G. Lovering Health Center, and Planned Parenthood of Northern New England – worked to oppose legislation designed to infringe upon the rights of pregnant women. 

This legislation, SB 66, would recognize a fetus as an independent victim of a crime for the first time under New Hampshire law, and runs counter to longstanding legal precedent. In states where similar legislation has been passed, women have been targeted with arrest, involuntary medical procedures, prosecution, and other deprivations of their liberty for their behavior during pregnancy.


NH Community Health Worker Summit Brings CHWs and Stakeholders Together

Community Health Workers (CHWs) and stakeholders joined together on April 19th at the 3rd NH CHW Summit “Community Health Workers: Catalysts to Achieving Population Health” held at the Common Man Inn in Plymouth NH. Hosted by the NH CHW Coalition and the Northern and Southern NH Area Health Education Centers (AHECs), the Summit provided an opportunity for information sharing and networking. 

Guest speakers were informative and very well received: Durrell Fox shared information on regional and national CHW messaging initiatives, Vanessa McClinchy facilitated exercises exploring leadership, and Arlene Ash shared strategies to promote equity by measuring social determinants of health and reflecting such scores in the assessment of social risk of patients.

One participant shared that the Summit provided motivation to “spread the word of the CHW and how they can be an asset to the community.”


Wanda Diaz, CHW at Manchester Community Health Center addresses Summit audience  
Community Health Worker (CHW) attendees at the 3rd NH CHW Summit.
First Concord Civics Academy a Success!

The American Friends Service Committee in New Hampshire, the City of Concord, and the Welcoming Concord Initiative collaborated earlier this spring to present the first Concord Civics Academy. The twenty-two participants in the six-session evening course ranged from 12 years of age through retirement. 

Many participants were new to the Concord area having migrated here from other parts of the United States or from other regions of the world. The Academy provided the opportunity to learn more about resources offered by the City of Concord and by a number of agencies offering services here.

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Congratulations to the first graduates of the six-week course at Concord Civics Academy!
For more information contact: 
Maggie Fogarty
Co-Director of the NH Program
American Friends Service Committee
Professionals Urged To Focus On Family Strengths

The Strengthening Families Framework was developed by the Center for the Study of Social Policy in Washington D.C. and encourages anyone whose work touches parents to shift the way they approach their work. 

“By focusing on family strengths rather than deficits, professionals can partner with families to build on those strengths to help assure children do their best”, says Julie Day, New Hampshire Children’s Trust Strengthening Families Director and a nationally certified trainer in the framework. 

Bringing the Protective Factors Framework to Life in Your Work is a training series that gives professionals tools and knowledge to promote building the characteristics that makes families strong. These characteristics, called protective factors, result in optimal child development, a reduction in the risk of child abuse and neglect, and strong families.   


NAA Friday Family Fun Night Community Celebration

Three times a year, the Concord community enjoys African drumming & dancing, Ben & Jerry's ice cream, traditional meat pies, and much more at the Friday Family Fun Nights sponsored by New American Africans.  

On June 30th, the New American Africans (NAA) Youth Dance Program performers delighted the audience and Sayon Camara Drumming got everyone dancing. 

Don’t miss the next opportunity to meet and greet with old and new neighbors in the Concord area on September 22nd at 6pm, at Concord High School. 

Donations are accepted at the door.  Please email Carolyn Musyimi, NAA Executive Director, for further information.

New American Africans youth dance program performers. Photo: Fieldwork Photos, 2017
Sayon Camara Drumming played and everyone got up to dance. Photo: Fieldwork Photos, 2017
Upcoming Events

August 19:  We Are One / Somos Uno Festival

The We Are One (WAO) Music/Culture Festival brings together the Latino and African descent communities for the largest ethnic cultural festival in New Hampshire for the enjoyment of all. Connecting neighbors through food, music, dance and culture weaves the fabric of community and makes us "better together”.

We Are One Festival organizers led by Ujima Collective are asking for your help to help ensure the 2017 Festival’s success! VOLUNTEER on one of the committees (marketing, performer, logistics, major donor/sponsor and vendor) and/or ATTEND on Saturday, August 19th 11am-7pm at Veteran’s Memorial Park, 889 Elm Street in Manchester. Further information is also available by email or phone (603) 264-0542. We look forward to seeing you there!

September 21: The Power of Storytelling

Honor the contributions of refugees and immigrants throughout the region through the timeless art of live storytelling. Local foreign- and U.S.- born residents will perform first-person stories on themes of refugee resettlement and immigrant integration. Suitcase Stories LIVE! comes September 21st to the Palace Theatre in Manchester, NH. 

Hosted in partnership with Massmouth, TripAdvisor, and International Institute of New England (IINE) Resettle Together community network, all proceeds from the performance will support IINE programming including refugee resettlement, English language education, workforce training, citizenship services, and more. 

October 17:  NH Asset Summit

The CA$H (Creating Assets, Savings & Hope) Coalition of NH asks everyone to mark Tuesday, October 17 on our calendars for the 2017 Asset Summit Health providers, bankers, workforce development practitioners, government and nonprofit social service agencies and anyone else serving low-to-moderate income individuals and families are invited to learn about best practices in helping build the financial stability of the people you serve.

Cary Gladstone states “Whether you call it ’social determinants of health’, ‘concrete supports in times of need’, ‘asset building’, or just helping folks out, this half-day session will be  useful to you in your work.” Please RSVP to attend the Asset Summit which will take place at the NHHEAF Network Organizations’ Conference Center in Concord. Remember to share word about the event with your network! 
Resources / Opportunities

ELF PULSE:  Engage an Equity Leaders Fellow on your Board or Committee

The Equity Leaders Fellowship is now accepting applications from boards and committees to engage a Fellow for a board exposure experience.  The ELF Providing an Understanding of Links Between Society and Equity (PULSE) Program connects you with diverse community members who seek civic engagement opportunities by learning to serve on nonprofit boards and committees.

The application deadline is August 25, 2017.  Learn more and please direct all questions to Danelis Alejo, Program Coordinator.  Please share this information with your networks!


The NH Comprehensive Cancer Collaboration’s Equity Task Force Works to Reduce Smoking in the Food Service Industry

According to the NH Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), food service workers have smoking rates nearly twice the state average, 32.7%, compared to 17.2% in the general population. 

To help foodservice workers quit smoking, the NH Comprehensive Cancer Collaboration's (CCC) Equity Task Force, engaged restaurant managers by providing them with information about the NH Tobacco Quit Line, as well as free cancer screenings. 

Since tobacco dependence is considered a chronic disease requiring repeated interventions and multiple quit attempts before a smoker is successfully tobacco-free for one year or more, the Task Force is taking further steps to advance its initiative. 

Read more... 

About Us

The New Hampshire Health and Equity Partnership is a public-private collaborative effort of philanthropic organizations, public health agencies, community based organizations, advocates and others concerned with health equity.  The Partnership is guided in its work by the Plan to Address Health Disparities and Promote Health Equity in New Hampshire. The goal of the plan is to define statewide priorities and prepare recommendations to advance health equity for NH's racial, ethnic, and linguistic minority communities. 

The New Hampshire Health and Equity Partnership is an initiative of the Foundation for Healthy Communities.