Dear Friends,
I’ve been here for a year and a half now and have spent much of that time making changes that, I believe, will make Rian the best human services agency in the city, in addition to working in overdrive with all of the new clients we have to serve.
Our overall goal is to move from operating as if we’re running a sprint to operating as if we are running a marathon. Rian’s mission is a forever-mission.
This year marks a very special milestone—this year, Rian turns 35 years old. That means, for 35 years, Rian Immigrant Center has taken good intentions, and turned them into positive change in people’s lives.
When we first opened its doors, the world was a different place but through it all, the Rian Immigrant Center has been here—open to all who need it.
When you consider that this is Rian’s 35th Anniversary, you can begin to imagine just how many lives Rian has touched over the years. We are talking about whole generations of people who have come through our doors. And, hopefully, they left Rian better off than when they came. You see, Rian Immigrant Center is not just a nonprofit—it’s a living, breathing time capsule. In its own small part, it has chronicled the extraordinary voyage of this city, and this country.
I want to thank each and every one of you for being a part of that history.
We would not be able to do this without your help. Together, we can take this landmark anniversary as an opportunity to redouble our commitment to immigrant and refugee families throughout New England.
Let us commit ourselves once again to spend these next 35 years creating a society where all are valued, and all are welcome.
Jacob Bombard