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You'll see more below about the Summer Institute for Human-Animal Studies, which happened last month, but - spoiler alert - it was amazing! You can invest in the future and help support next year's Summer Institute for Human-Animal Studies, as tuition fees do not cover all expenses. With the help of generous donors, ASI has been able to offer 3 full tuition scholarships per year, but we couldn't support all of the students who asked for help, so some of the accepted students couldn't attend this year. That's a loss for those student scholars, the group at the Institute, the field as a whole, and the animals who benefit from the culture change fostered by scholarly work on human-animal relationships. Choose the Summer Institute from the drop down menu on our donation form to be sure that your donation supports this important program.
We thought the experience was incredible, but it's more compelling to share what participants in this year's Summer Institute for Human-Animal Studies had to say about it.

"It was an intellectual delight and I recommend it with all of my heart and brain." - Orit Hirsch

"The Animals & Society Summer Institute was an incredible opportunity to share my doctoral research with an interdisciplinary group of exceptional emerging and established scholars - all of whom were passionate about animals, and actively contributing to the field of animal studies from unique perspectives. Emphatically encouraged by the more-than-generous directors of the institute to listen and learn from one another, I left the summer institute inspired by the many keynote speakers, excited about potential professional opportunities, and equipped with a more nuanced understanding of the diversity present within the field. Perhaps most importantly, I departed the institute feeling reinvigorated and connected to a network of international researchers who valued one another." - Jonathan Osborn

For more photos and quotes from participants, see ASI's website and the series of posts on ASI's Facebook page . 
Have you seen our new document, Key Readings in Human-Animal Studies ? We created this document for the Summer Institute participants, to give them an overview of some of the key readings in the field, by discipline, and thought it might be useful for others as well.  You can find it here.
ASI has been invited to be part of the Co-sheltering Collaborative, a new effort to identify and promote best practices for homeless people and their companion animals. Our Director of Human-Animal Programs, Dr. Lisa Lunghofer, participated in the collaborative’s first work group in late July. The initiative is being led by My Dog is My Home , a nonprofit whose mission is to increase access to shelter and housing for people experiencing homelessness with companion animals. Current collaborative members include four nonprofits working to end homelessness in the greater Los Angeles, CA, metro area. The group will be working to share expertise, showcase examples of innovative programs that address human and animal sheltering needs, and develop a road map for best practices in co-sheltering.
Our Human-Animal Programs Director will be hitting the road this fall. On October 12th, Dr. Lunghofer will be presenting at the Humane Society of Greater Rochester’s day-long conference, The Link between Animal Abuse and Human Violence: Solutions for a Safer Community. She’ll be talking about what all professionals need to know about animal abuse and intervention strategies, including ASI’s new 16-session BARK program for animal maltreatment offenders. If you’re in the Rochester, NY, area, please consider attending. You can learn more and purchase tickets here .
Yolanda Eisenstein is an attorney with expertise in animal and nonprofit law. She is an adjunct professor of animal and wildlife law at SMU Dedman School of Law. She is past chair of the American Bar Association TIPS Animal Law Committee and the State Bar of Texas Animal Law Section. She sits on the advisory board of the Texas Humane Legislation Network, an organization that lobbies for pro animal legislation. She is the author of Careers in Animal Law , The American Bar Association Legal Guide for Dog Owners , and co-editor with Bruce Wagman of Wildlife Law: A U.S. Perspective . This year she was awarded the “Excellence in Animal Law Award” by the ABA Animal Law Committee. Yolanda lives in Dallas, Texas, with her husband Abram and dog Skylar, who looks forward to summer hiking trips in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Yolanda is pleased to be able to put her skills to work for ASI; she started her volunteer work by reviewing ASI's Policy Papers.  If you'd like to volunteer for ASI, see our website for more information .
Please make a donation to support next year's Summer Institute for Human-Animal Studies. Choose the Summer Institute from the drop down menu on our donation form to be sure that your donation supports this important program. Thank you!