| Patriotic Youth Camp June 23/24th Ages 10-18 |

| Communism and American Elections w/Trevor Loudin Event June 25th |

Supporting Entrepreneurship In Start-up Homeschooling

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Do you want your kids to love America?

This is for youth to love our nations history again!

Patriotic Youth Camp Coming Up! 

June 23rd & 24th 

(Noon Friday- 4pm Saturday)

We are creating a place for youth to love our America's history again! Living reenactment of

Ages 10-18 welcome

*High School age youth who want to participate as Camp

Counselors get a discounted rate.

Riley's Farm is hosting Eagle Forum of CA as we learn about our

Founding Fathers, the Revolutionary War, and Civil War.

Riley's Farm was blacklisted for it's patriotic stance so please

support us and Riley's Farm while we make the most excellent

summer experience to help children love American history and feel

true pride for the sacrifices made for people like us!

"I was truly impressed with the professionalism, dedication,

authenticity and true-life experiences the students enioyed.

I was a docent for Massachusetts historical sites, as well as for the

Ventura County Historical Society". -Judith Nelson

Camp Address: 12261 South Oak Glen Road Oak Glen. California


Cost: $200 single, $175 per additional quests, $125 for chaperone and teen camp counselors

*Scholarships available. Please send an email to apply.

EMAIL: Questions or to apply for the Teen Camp Counselor role, contact:

Summer Boger at eagleforumcaleader@gmail.com

or call (760)840-7738

TO PAY: Venmo @ealgeforumca , make sure to download the app, or go to

EagleForumCA.us click on Educational Fund on the website. Please contact us for help registering. Put in the amount you are contributing and press donate, then enter your information and in the comments specify the type of tickets your contribution is for. 

More Southern California Eagle Forum Events

You are invited to:

Eagle Forum of Orange County Events

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Order DVDs of Eagle Forum's 22nd Annual April 1, 2023 Conference:

If you would like to order a DVD of our conference please contact the following:

Dennis Whipple, 562-667-6600, DennisWhipple@yahoo.com

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Mark Your Calendars:

Eagle Forum of Orange County

Sunday, June 25, 2023, 6:00 p.m.

Calvary Chapel of the Harbour

4121 Warner Ave., Huntington Beach, CA 92640

SPEAKER:    Trevor Loudon

TOPIC: “Exposing Communist Forces (& China), Behind US Elections

“Exposing the Communist Forces, Including China, Behind US Election Integrity Issues: Trevor Loudon/ Facts Matter”

See the Epoch Times (35:50 min.)

Trevor Loudon details how the election integrity issues that we’re seeing play out across this entire nation are actually part of a broader plan by forces who wish to see this country fall to forces like the Chinese Communist Party, and their many affiliates.

Watch HERE

Visit our new social media and Rumble pages https://linktr.ee/theeagleforumofcalifornia

Southern California's Largest Living History Event​

The Huntington Beach Historical Society is proud to host the 28th annual Civil War Days Living History Event in Huntington Beach Central Park during the 160th anniversary of America's Civil War. Living history events like Civil War Days allow people to experience vivid recreations of life in our past in ways that would not otherwise be possible, and learn about some of the most important moments in our collective history. This event is facilitated by hundreds of dedicated volunteers portraying people from all walks of life, and as always, our events are free to the public. Come out to see this grand display this Labor Day Weekend!

September 2nd & 3rd, 2023

HB Central Park (Behind the Library)

On Gothard between Slater and Talbert

Camps open to the Public on Saturday and Sunday

 Battle Times: Sat: 1:30 and 4 PM / Sun: 11 and 2 PM

There is an organization seeking to get a Christian school in every one of the 13,800 school districts.


Entrepreneurship in Christian Education

New Christian schools, micro schools, and cooperatives are popping up all over the country. To assist these Christian education entrepreneurs, we created an online resource called SchoolBox. The lessons, resources, and mentorship offered in SchoolBox will not only catalyze the creation of new schools, but also help parents and administrators navigate the start-up process every step of the way. Whether you are starting a K-12 school or a neighborhood cooperative, SchoolBox is relevant to all Christian entrepreneurs and students. 

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