Summer Fun!

Water is the way to keep cool this summer, and kids at Adventure Day Camp are making the most of water play and water study at the river. Day camp sessions are packed and have waiting lists.

We are happy to conduct our school break day camps at the River School Farm right on the bank of the Truckee River. Students connect directly with our watershed and not only learn about it but also help protect it with weekly litter collection and audit stewardship projects.

Day Camp Volunteers and Presenters Welcome

Share a morning or an afternoon with us. Our naturalist educators appreciate having another adult along just to lend a hand or to go the extra mile and share your expertise by presenting an activity. Thanks to all who do.

If you can join us or can suggest a great presenter,

please let Emily know.

Family Hike at Mt. Rose Meadows July 13

Another way to beat the heat is to gain elevation. Come up the mountain to the Mt. Rose summit at 8911 feet and join us for our family hike at the Mt. Rose Meadows on Saturday, July 13. Meet outside the big stone restroom building. Come with sunscreen, water, hat, snacks, etc., and we'll do an easy hike with wildflowers from 10:00 am until noon. All ages are welcome.

Register here, and please consider donating.

Bubble Fun for Summer

Want more summer fun? Make giant bubbles! Be the hit of your neighborhood with these easy homemade bubble wands and bubble solution. Find illustrated step-by-step instructions by clicking here.

Thanks to FEMA for Summer Safety Tips

And since we're heading to the water to keep cool . . .

Teachers, Enjoy Summer but Plan for Fall

Dip netting for aquatic macroinvertebrates as indicators of water quality is a highlight of our day field trips with hikes and other activities. Start your school year right with classmates bonding over the shared experience the last week of September or the first week of October. We usually go to Galena Creek or sometimes Spooner Lake or Mayberry Park depending on what works best for your school. Let us help your students meet their science standards. Save your date now!

Very limited opening for Tahoe overnight science camp in October to join another class. Check with Emily.

Vitamin N Prescription

From Richard Louv who launched the children-and-nature movement with his best seller Last Child in the Woods pointing out the perils of children being disconnected from the natural world comes Vitamin N, a prescription for re-establishing that vital connection. Some of us were lucky enough to see Richard when he presented at the Nevada Museum of Art this year. Check out Children and Nature Network for endless ideas to get your family back to nature this summer and all year round—activities, resources, essays, and advice.

Help us serve the underserved.

Special thanks to the Truckee River Fund at the Community Foundation for supporting current programs for children.

Show how much you care about children and nature with your own contribution.

Donate online securely here

or mail checks to:

Great Basin Outdoor School, 1000 Bible Way #53, Reno, NV 89502.

Let's all do our part!

Please share these opportunities.

Forward to colleagues who care about kids and our Earth.

See more on our website and our Facebook page.


1000 Bible Way #53 - Reno, NV 89502


Emily Baldwin, Executive Director

Derik Knak, Development Coordinator

Sue Jacox, Board President

Visit our website