Photos by Master Gardener Sally Cornell 

Summer Evening in our Gardens with Delaware Master Gardeners

Thursday, July 11

6:30 pm- 8:30 pm

NCC Extension Teaching Gardens

461 Wyoming Rd., Newark, 19716

Free and Open to All!  


The Native Plant Teaching Garden features a variety of low-maintenance native tree, shrub, and perennial plant species, in areas with different environmental conditions. These include sun-loving flowering plants that support pollinators, both in a newly planted "formal" garden and in more naturalized drifts and meadows.  The garden also features shade-loving plants, several types of colorful native vines, and moisture-loving plants in a swale designed to manage water runoff. 

The Vegetable and Fruit Teaching Garden uses sustainable gardening practices to raise approximately 1200 pounds of vegetables over three seasons of the year.  Techniques of interplanting, succession planting, and crop rotation are practiced to optimize yield.  Raised beds and in-ground plantings, container gardens and self-watering gardens, as well as several vertical structures demonstrate different venues of growing. Each year various cold and warm season vegetables are grown in soil enriched by our own compost.  The garden also features several types of berries and paw paws, a pollinator garden, and other plantings utilize insects to pollinate and assist in protecting the garden from pests.

Join us anytime between 6:30 and 8:30 pm for guided walks through the gardens. Master Gardeners will be available to answer your questions. The MooMobile from UDairy Creamery will be parked at our Extension Office, next to the demonstration gardens, to scoop ice cream cones for our guests!

Please register below so we have an idea of who's coming!

Register HERE
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These programs are brought to you in part by University of Delaware Cooperative Extension, a service of the UD College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, a land-grant institution. 

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