Living our Mission:

Sharing the Love of God!


Worship is at 9:30AM

at the church


through our YouTube livestream!

Sunday July 14 Live Stream

July 14 Worship Video
Worship Video Playlist

Volunteering at the Slammers!

Resurrection will be volunteering at the concession stand during some Slammers games this season. Not only is it a fun time, we will also raise funds for the church, too. The church receives 10% of all sales at the concession stand plus all the tips in the tip jar! If you'd like to volunteer, Sign Up for the game you'd like to "work."

We're volunteering on these dates:

  • Sat., July 20, 6PM
  • Sat., Aug 3, 6PM
  • Sat., Aug 24, 6PM

A Blessed and Fantastic week of VBS!

Thank you to everyone who participated, who volunteered and who gives to God's mission happening through RLC!

VBS Highlight Reel

Let's Chat about It

Stick around after worship Sunday July 21 and August 25 for faith conversation led by Pastor Dave! It's a chance to discuss the intersections of faith and life and encourage another in our walk with Christ.

a Meal Out Together

"Food for Thought" is a meal together at a local restaurant. The next one will be Sunday August 4 after worship at Grandma's Pancake House in Minooka. Please let Dave and Carol Hedlin know if you plan to be there! 815.485.5324.

Flower TLC

When you get the chance, please stop by and water, dead-head, weed, fertilize, and/or anything else you see could bless the front flowers and landscape. Thank you! Every effort makes a difference. When in doubt, just go for it!

Thank You!

Resurrection is actively Sharing God's Love with our Community

Food Distribution

We volunteer on a regular basis at the Northern Illinois Food Bank. We do the behind the scenes work so that massive quantities of food can be shared with our neighbors through the many local food pantries.

We packed 20,000 granola bars on June 12!

Next volunteer dates:

Wednesday August 7, 5:30PM

Let Diane Baker know that you plan to volunteer or if you have any questions! 815.325.2109

Granola Bar Bounty!

Blessing Bench

Current Emphasis: Canned Fruit and Meals in a Can

We are collecting a variety of goods and food for First & Santa Cruz Lutheran Church.

Their "Blessing Bench Food Ministry" serves our neighbors in downtown Joliet.

We will collect what they request to bless our neighbors and at this time, it is canned fruit and meals in a can, such as Raviolli.

Take a Prayer, Leave a Prayer

Praying with and for each other!

We are in this together! The prayer jar just inside the front doors will help us pray together.

Here's how it works: you can drop a prayer request in the jar sharing as much as you want to share and you can also grab a prayer request from the jar and add the prayer request to your prayers, and thus we'll be praying with and for each other.

Coffee & Church Updates

Sunday July 28 after worship

Updates on Pastor Ben's Sabbatical, Fall Family Fest, Finances, Events, etc.

Youth Group Schedule

Upcoming Events

  • Pool Party @ Forsters Weds July 24, 1-4PM

Talk to Beth for all the details!


Manage Your Giving

Sunday Goodies & Fellowship

Hanging out after worship is indeed sacred and holy time. It's not just snacks; it's refreshment in mind, body, and soul!

Sometimes folks wonder if there is a sign-up or schedule for bringing snacks, but there is not. It is free-form generosity. Bring a snack to share whenever you can and it always works out.

You can bake something, buy something, pick something up, etc. Whatever works for you is a gift that blesses our time together. Thank you!


Part Two of Pastor Ben's sabbatical is July 29 through August 25. Sabbatical is a time for renewal of mind, body, spirit, soul, relationships, and so on. Pastor Ben designed a sabbatical plan that included a month off last summer and a month off this summer. We'll discuss more of the sabbatical details after worship on Sunday July 28. If you have any questions, please let Pastor Ben know.

Part of Something Bigger!

Resurrection Lutheran Church is a congregation of

the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA),

and thus, we're part of a network of congregations

sharing God's love throughout Illinois (Northern Illinois Synod), the country and around the world.

More about the ELCA

Bishop Stacie Fidlar

Bishop Stacie Fidlar will be with us on Sunday September 1! She'll preach on the 1st and then share updates and news about our shared ministry throughout northern Illinois. Of course, we'll also have some special treats after worship, too, to host Bishop Fidlar.

Faith Seeds

Resurrection gladly texts a daily prayer right to you!

Sign up by texting @faithseeds to 81010, or let Pastor Ben know you'd like to receive these daily prayers.
Faith Seeds

It All Helps!

Generosity takes make forms and it all blesses our mission to Share the Love of God. For example, as you're shopping and out and about, the following are always needed, appreciated, and helpful to pick up:

Fellowship Supplies: such as coffee, coffee creamers, paper plates and serving supplies, kids drinks, trash bags, and the like.

If you're replacing or updating the following at your home, please consider donating your working vacuum, air-conditioner, or furnace. Please let Pastor Ben know if you might have something like this to donate so we can let you know if it meets a current need at the church.


Deepening faith and growing in our walk with Christ: it's what Confirmation is all about. The two-year program is for youth in 7th and 8th grade. Please let Pastor Ben know if you would like to be part of Confirmation! The Wednesday classes resume in September.

A great way to support the mission of your church is to set up automated giving or to make use of online giving when you're not able to make it on a Sunday.

You can give via debit or credit card or checking account, and you manage the amount and frequency. You can change it at any time.

Click here to set it up!
Manage Your Giving!
Your Offering

Thank you for your generosity! Your offering is your thank-you gift to God and your offering fuels our mission.

Our Mission: Sharing the Love of God!
Sunday Spark
Encouraging faith in our youth!

Spark meets every Sunday. During the worship service, the kids break-out for about 20 minutes. This break-out time is called "Spark" and is geared for kids in Pre-School through Grade 6.
Staffed Nursery

Kora and Kennady are in the nursery every Sunday!

Women's Bible Study

Women's Bible Study meets on Wednesdays at 9:30AM at the church.

Lunch Included

The Women's Bible Study will also include going out for lunch the first Wednesday of the month, 11AM.

Next Lunch: August 7

Men's Lunch

Food tastes better with good company! Bring your lunch and gather each Thursday, 11:30AM, with fellow church friends!

Worship Videos

If you missed a worship service or just want to worship at 11PM on a Thursday night, all our past worship videos are still available!

Worship Videos!

Church Directory

RLC's Directory is an app on your phone! Download the "Instant Church Directory" app in your app store and follow the steps to install.

It will help us stay connected!

You can always update your photo in the directory, too. Send your preferred photo to Pastor Ben, take a new photo at church, or upload a photo via the Church Directory App.

Instructions for Apple Products.

Instructions for Android

Church Reminder Texts
If you'd like to receive text messaged updates and reminders, such as event reminders, outdoor worship service news, please text @rlcremind to 81010.

Other Ways to Give

However you give, your generosity always fuels our mission to Share God's Love!

Mobile Card Reader

If you prefer using your card to give or if you don't generally carry cash or check, we have a mobile card reader on hand.


If you like the cashless and cardless way to give, you can also give via Venmo (@resurrection_channahon or scan the QR code).

Thank you!

John 15: 12
Jesus says “This is my commandment,
that you love one another as I have loved you."

Resurrection Lutheran Church

(815) 467-6875

Pastor Ben:

Pastor Ben: 815-909-8770

Music Leader, Elaine Jones

Youth Group Leader, Beth Bullard
