A Celebration of Innovation, Inspiration, and Israel

We're excited to introduce our refreshed newsletter. June is both National Cancer Survivor Month and Cancer Immunotherapy Awareness Month, and here we'll be highlighting both. Also in this issue, we'll address skin cancer as we approach the summer months, spotlight inspiring scientists, honor a man with a lasting legacy that lives on through research, and much more.

Feature Story: National Cancer Survivor Month

Alan Herman: ICRF Executive Director and Cancer Survivor

This past January, Alan Herman, who joined ICRF in 2021, was appointed Executive Director. He brings a wealth of experience in both the nonprofit and for-profit sectors, and last year he helped lead ICRF through one of its most successful fundraising years in history. In addition to having the right experience and tenacity to be at the organization's helm, Alan is also a cancer survivor.

It is estimated that there are more than 18.1 million cancer survivors in the U.S., which represents approximately 5.4 percent of the population.

13 years ago, after a lengthy stretch of jaw pain chalked up to stress, Alan was diagnosed with adenoid cystic carcinoma, a rare type of cancer that can be found most often in the head and neck.

With a pregnant wife at home who lost her father to cancer as a child, Alan knew he was about to fight the battle of a lifetime.

Find out how he navigated the worst and best moments of his life simultaneously, read his powerful message to cancer survivors and their families, and see why he believes so deeply in cancer research in Israel.

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There are millions of cancer survivors, and each one has their own story. What unites all of the stories is hope -- and what gives us hope is research. We hope you'll help ICRF sustain groundbreaking cancer research in Israel, so we can continue changing the odds in favor of cancer patients everywhere.


Feature Story: June is Immunotherapy Awareness Month

A Winning Partnership in the Fight Against Cancer

During Cancer Immunotherapy Awareness Month, we are proud to highlight the research of Professor Yifat Merbl, which ICRF funds in collaboration with Cancer Research Institute (CRI), a leader in cancer immunotherapy research.

Prof. Merbl recently received the Technology Impact Award from both organizations in recognition of the potential of her lab's research in immunotherapy and cancer. This work will begin in July.

The Merbl lab's current research, also made possible by an ICRF-CRI partnership, wraps up later this month. Take a closer look at Prof. Merbl and her team's critical immunotherapy work.

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Scientist Spotlights

Professor Tal Burstyn-Cohen

The ICRF - Joseph Safra Memorial Grant for Glioblastoma Research

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Learn about Professor Burstyn-Cohen, PhD's glioblastoma research, made possible by the generosity of the Joseph Safra Foundation.

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Dr. Tal Yardeni

Research Career Development Award

Chaim Sheba Medical Center

Discover how Dr. Tal Yardeni's lab is researching how mitochondrial DNA variations affect immune function and cancer progression.

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A Lasting Legacy

Honoring Dr. Jerry Gross' Memory with Dr. Joshua Grolman's Research

We're pleased to highlight visionary individuals whose legacies continue well beyond their years on earth. As we focus on cancer immunotherapy this month, read about Dr. Joshua Grolman's related research and learn about Dr. Jerry Gross, of blessed memory, who made this work possible with a legacy gift to ICRF.

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Dr. Jerry Gross and Dr. Joshua Grolman

With a planned gift to ICRF, you can make a meaningful impact on countless cancer patients and their loved ones for years to come. To learn more about including ICRF in your estate planning, contact ICRF Executive Director Alan Herman at or 347-218-5946.

Real-World Applications

Skin Cancer Awareness in the Summer Months

With summer upon us and more time spent outdoors, it's important to be aware of the risks and prevalence of skin cancer, including melanoma, its deadliest form. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light is a primary cause of most skin cancers.

Sun protection is critical, in summer and always, and indoor tanning, any time of year, should be avoided. There are more skin cancer cases globally from indoor tanning than there are lung cancer cases from smoking.

There is Hope

The good news is that today, the five-year survival rate for skin cancer is very high with early detection.

Skin cancers are usually visible, so examining your skin monthly and visiting a dermatologist annually can help catch it early.

Bob Marley

Bob Marley is one of the most well-known people to tragically die from melanoma -- he was 36 years old.

Learn more about his plight with melanoma that took his young life, and ICRF's related research that continues to change the game for skin cancer patients worldwide.

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You Make This Work Possible

Thank you for making a difference with our Mother's Day Match!

To all who participated in the match, thank you. We’re grateful for your support and we appreciate all the moms and special women in our lives who uplift us and inspire us. 

Your generosity enabled ICRF to fund hundreds of hours of cancer research, ultimately giving us what we all want the most. More time with the people we love.

We hope everyone had a meaningful Mother’s Day honoring the moms in our lives and those who live on forever in our hearts.  

Upcoming Events

Women of Action Brunch

Riverside Connecticut

Thursday, June 20th, 11:30am

Learn more and register.

ICRF Sandy Herzfeld Memorial Golf Outing

Bedford Hills, New York

Tuesday, June 25th, 10:45 am

Learn more and register.

Drive Fore Research Golf Classic

Glencoe, Illinois

Monday, September 9th

Learn more and register.

See ICRF's full calendar of events here.

News Roundup

Trial Results for New Lung Cancer Drug are 'Off the Charts', Say Doctors (The Guardian) More than half of patients with advanced forms of disease who took the treatment were still alive after five years with no progression.

Ancient Egyptian Skull Shows Oldest Attempt at Cancer Surgery (NBC) Two skulls that were recently found, believed to be thousands of years old, demonstrate that ancient Egyptians investigated ways to treat cancer through surgery.

Chemotherapy Could Soon be a Thing of the Past (Bloomberg News) Antibody drug conjugates (ADCs), can deliver toxic cancer drugs directly to cancer cells by deploying an antibody that can recognize a marker on the surface of a cancer cell.

Matching Gifts

Help ICRF Fund Twice the Research

Double the impact of your tax-deductible gift to ICRF! Find out if your employer will match your donation.


Your gift + your employer's match makes twice as much groundbreaking cancer research possible. Learn more below.


Gifts of Appreciated Stock

Stocks, bonds, and mutual funds appreciated in value are among the best ways to support ICRF. You may receive a charitable income tax deduction for the full market value of the stock (up to a maximum of 30 percent of your adjusted gross income) and avoid paying the capital gains tax on any increase in the value of the stock.

For more information, contact Executive Director Alan Herman at or 347-218-5946.

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See what we're up to and be part of the conversation on social media.

Engage with us on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter: @ICRFONLINE 

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