Link of the week: The Host Homes program provides both shelter and community for at risk LGBTQ+ young adults (18-24). See below for more information about the Sukkot event on Monday and Watch this video to find out more about Host Homes

It’s-Almost-Sukkot-Gathering at Rabbi Copeland’s Sukkah in Mountain View
Sunday, September 19, 3:00 – 5:00 pm
Light snacks will be provided. Please bring your own beverage. Masks are required for unvaccinated persons and encouraged for everyone. Please remember to observe CSZ's fragrance-free policy. RSVP to Jan Half at to get address.
In-person Sukkot Dinner on LGBTQ+ Young Adults
Monday, September 20, 2021,
6:00 Meet and Greet, 6:30-7:30 pm Program. At a private home in Glen Park, SF. RSVP for address.
Sukkot is a holiday that focuses on both homelessness and community, as we build and live-in temporary dwellings-together. Join us to hear about how we can provide both shelter and community for at risk LGBTQ+ young adults (18-24) experiencing housing instability through the Host Homes program. Join us to hear from the program manager and a former host. Please remember to observe CSZ's fragrance-free policy.
Redefining Home: A Sukkot Ritual for Survivors of Abuse
Wednesday, September 22nd, 6:30pm on zoom
During the holiday of Sukkot, we reflect on what it felt like for our ancestors to wander through the desert while not having a permanent, safe place to call home. However, this is no matter of imagination for those who have witnessed or experienced abuse. How can we redefine what home means to us and create new dwellings within us that are spaces of peace and security? To explore this question further, join our Sukkot gathering in support of those who have experienced abuse featuring a guest speaker from Shalom Bayit (Peace in the Home), the Bay Area's foremost voice on ending abuse in the Jewish community. All are welcome, whether you have been personally affected by abuse or are coming to support others.
Register here for Zoom. 
Dancing in the Park for Simchat Torah
Monday, September 27, 5:30pm
Have you been jealous of people dancing in Dolores Park? Now it’s your turn! Come celebrate the festival of Simchat Torah in the park as we dance with individual Torahs and read the end and beginning of our (faux) scroll. Bruce Bierman will lead us in touchless dancing as we celebrate Torah! We’ll meet behind the tennis courts near the bathroom, at the corner of 18th and Church, accessible by the path. Parking is tough, so arrive early to find a spot. Masks are required for unvaccinated persons and encouraged for everyone. Please remember to observe CSZ's fragrance-free policy
Simchat Torah on Zoom
Tuesday, September 28, 8:30-9:30am
Songs and prayers to set our hearts and minds! This service takes place every Tuesday morning, and is led by community lay leaders and Cantor Bernstein. This week, as part of our weekly Tuesday morning minyan, we will dance in our seats as we celebrate Simchat Torah at home. For more information, contact Cantor Bernstein.
Join Simchat Torah: Zoom Link
Yizkor - Kaddish Memory Circle
Wednesday, September 29th, 8:30 – 9:00 am
We gather each month with those who are grieving for Kaddish Circle. This month, we will observe the Jewish milestone of Yizkor that falls at the close of the Sukkot holiday as well. If you are mourning a loss or even if you aren’t, you are invited to this short, morning space to share memories and recite prayers, including Kaddish. Led by Ora Prochovnick. 
Join the Zoom Meeting: Zoom Link.

#SocialAction: Get Involved
Explore the Jews of Color Initiative’s
Sunday, September 26
4:00 - 5:30 pm
“This research presents an intersectional account of American Jewish life by exploring the ways in which the ethnic, racial, and cultural identities of Jews of Color (JoC) influence and infuse their Jewish experiences.” Come learn what Jews of Color say about their experiences in this critical new study from the Jews of Color Initiative. We’ll look at the data, discuss what it tells us, and consider the implications for our community Sha’ar Zahav. This is part of our Racial Equity Committee’s 4th Sunday @ 4 Series.  

#Learning: Keep Growing
Judaism 101 with Dir. of Education,
Sue Bojdak on Zoom
Mondays from October 4 December 6, 6:30-8:30 pm
Judaism 101 is an introduction to Judaism for people who are new or returning to Judaism and are looking for a starting point to dive into Jewish learning and/or Jewish practice.  Anyone from any background is welcome.  We will be covering everything from Torah to Israel, spirituality to ethics, through a queer-positive, progressive, inclusive Jewish lens with plenty of room for questions.  Our learning will be interactive and communal; come ready to be in the learning with us.  
The cost is $149. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. If you have questions, please contact Sue Bojdak.  Open to members and non-members.

To Register: Click Here
Beginning and Continuing Hebrew -
On Zoom - 12 sessions
Beginning Class: Tuesdays, 
starting October 5, 7:00 - 8:00 pm
Continuing Class: Thursdays,
starting October 7, 7:00 - 8:00 pm

Introduction to Hebrew Class: This class is intended for first-time Hebrew students, and will begin at the very beginning by learning the letters and the sounds that they make. This class provides a friendly and supportive learning environment, and patience and sensitivity will be shown to adult learners with limited time for study. 

Continuing Hebrew Class: A continuation of our beginning Hebrew class, this course is for students who have already learned the Hebrew alphabet and know some basic vocabulary. This class will provide opportunities to practice reading and decoding Hebrew, and expand your Hebrew vocabulary. We shall study several key prayers in the CSZ's prayer book.

Cost is $126/non-members, $54/members, but scholarships are available. For questions, email Susie. This class requires a minimum of 8 students. Class is taught by Michael Lederman.

Register Here. Registration Link.
Book Group Discussion: The Woman Who Smashed Codes
Tuesday, October 5
7:00 - 8:00 pm

How do people choose their careers? Sometimes they reach out, grab them and make new ones. In The Woman Who Smashed Codes, we meet Elizebeth Friedman, a young poet who by serendipity becomes involved in unlocking coded messages – whether in Shakespeare’s plays or from rum-running gangsters or Nazi spies. Contact Ami Zusman for more information. Ready to try code breaking? HVV BLF RM LXGLYVI. [Key]

Join the Zoom Meeting: Zoom link
Weekly Torah Study Group
Weekly on Thursdays
8:30 - 9:30 am

Study the weekly Torah portion with Rabbi Copeland and lay leaders. For the first half hour, we’ll talk, learn and share thoughts about the portion. In the second half, we will practice our Hebrew reading skills in a compassionate environment! Join for either or both parts of the study.

Join the Zoom Meeting: Zoom link

Weekly Mussar Group
Weekly on Thursdays
7:00 - 8:00 pm

Mussar is a very practical and flexible spiritual discipline to help you balance soul-traits (Middah/Middot) such as Humility, Loving-Kindness, Generosity, and Silence. Drop-ins are always welcome! For more information, contact Mark Pressler.

Join the Zoom Meeting: Zoom link

#Community: Let's Get Together
Caring Community

Hineni, our SZ Caring Community, is starting up a new program connecting callers to congregants in need. If you’re interested and would like more information, contact
Jewish Yoga
Monthly on the 4th Shabbat morning, Sept. 25,
at 9:00 am
You are invited to a Shabbat morning exploration of yoga and Judaism that integrates mind, body, and spirit. Led by our member and yoga instructor Surya Stuart Dick. Beginners and experienced yoga practitioners welcome. To be added to our SZ Yoga listserv, email

Join the meeting: Zoom Link
Meditation Chavurah
Saturday, October 2
10:30 am - Noon

Everyone is welcome. And you will not regret it! A typical session includes a short and longer silent sit, with chanting, movement, and a short teaching. The group meets on the first and third Saturday of every month.

Join the Zoom Meeting: Zoom link
Remember When
Wednesday, October 6
6:30 - 8:00 pm

Hitch a ride on the wayback wagon for a trip down memory lane. Let’s reminisce about the 40’s thru the 70’s together! Different topics each month. We will gather on the first Wednesday of every month. Everyone is welcome! Questions? Please email Marv Lehrman.

Join the Zoom Meeting: Zoom link
Theater & Movies Chavurah
Wednesday, October 6
6:00 - 7:30 pm

The Theater & Movies Chavurah meets on the first Wednesday of each month. This month, Deborah Levy will lead the discussion on "Antigone" The play is available on "National Theatre at Home" for more information please contact Yvette Adida.

Join the Meeting: Zoom link
Art Group: Drop-in
Weekly on Thursdays
11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Drop in for a joyful hour of free art-making and connection. Everyone is welcome! The group meets every Thursday. For more information, contact Paisha Rochlin, Barbara Cymrot or AJ Turpen Fried.

Join the Zoom Meeting: Zoom link
12-Step Meetings by and for Sha’ar Zahav Members
Weekly on Sundays On Zoom
1:00 - 2:00 pm

Come listen and share experience, strength, and hope with other CSZ members who identify as part of any 12-step community (AA, NA, CMA, Alanon, SA, etc.).

The meeting will be run in the usual 12-step format but will also feature some thoughts and reflections from members who are working to bring their Jewish selves and Jewish traditions to their 12-step practice. Contact Erika Katske with any questions.

For Sha'ar Zahav Members Only. Register Here to Attend.

Weekday Morning Prayer
Weekly on Tuesdays
8:30 - 9:00 am

Songs and prayers to set our hearts and minds! This service takes place every Tuesday morning, and is led by community lay leaders and Cantor Bernstein. For more information, contact Cantor Bernstein.

Join the Zoom Meeting: Zoom link


Join Us this Week
Friday Night Services: Sept. 17 at 7:30 pm
Shabbes Beat with Cantor Bernstein. D'rash by Ron EdelmanRegister HereMeeting ID: 452 290 988.

Saturday Morning Service: Sept. 18 at 10 am
Join the Zoom MeetingMeeting ID: 365 434 855 and Passcode: 068575.
To join by phone for either service, dial +1 669 900 9128 or find your local number.
Join Us Next Week
#Shabbat: Join Us Next Week

Friday Night Service: September 24 at 7:30 pm

Led by Rabbi Copeland with Tiela Chalmers. D'rash by Rabbi Ted Riter. Register HereMeeting ID: 452 290 988.

Saturday Morning Service: Sept 25 at 10 am
Join the Zoom MeetingMeeting ID: 365 434 855 and Passcode: 068575.

To join by phone for either service, dial +1 669 900 9128 or find your local number.
Contact to sponsor a Shabbat
Birthdays this week!

Robert Tat 9/19
Aaron Levine 9/20
Mark Klaiman 9/20
Elizabeth Katz 9/20
Christine Young 9/21
Sarah Grams 9/22
Sulmi Rubenstein-Markiewicz 9/22
Mark Leno 9/24
Thank You to Our Grantors
Programs at Sha’ar Zahav are supported by the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund, the Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus Initiative for Immigrant and Refugee Justice of the Religious Action Center, San Francisco Humanities, and the National Center to Encourage Judaism.
You are receiving this email because you expressed interest in Sha'ar Zahav. Be sure to add to your (email) contacts list so that our communications land in your inbox! All our events take place at Sha'ar Zahav 290 Dolores Street, unless noted otherwise. To unsubscribe, please click on the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of this email.