District Choral Festival


For the past two years, Chatham Education Foundation has provided a grant to underwrite the cost of the district-wide Choral Festival which was held earlier this month. This event fosters a community of choral excellence, the creation and continuation of the relationships between the schools' choral departments, and the opportunity to work with Ms. Moira Smiley, a renowned choral composer on some of her own musical compositions.

Grant recipient, Ms. Amber Griffin, shares, "The Choral Festival exhibited first-hand how this event improved student communication, collaboration, and musicianship. CHS students paved the way for CMS students who then became role models for Lafayette students."

District Choral Festival 2023 was made possible by a grant from the Chatham Education Foundation Ryan T. Ganley Endowment Fund (Metviner Family) and the Chatham Performing Arts Boosters.


28  years of services

270  grants funded

$1.6M  total awards

To learn more, visit our website www.chathamedfoundation.org.