Student Success
Why not give it a shot?

If you or someone you know isn't sure what they want to do after high school, why not try an internship this summer. It's like a part-time or full-time job but in addition to earning money, you get high school credits and the chance to explore an exciting career. Start planning for your summer internship now!
Graduated Recently?

Don't worry, you can still get your foot in the door of skilled trades with our U21 Internship Program. Learn more about it at one of our info sessions!
Our 2024 SafeGen Youth Workplace Safety Video Contest is now open for entries! Alberta students aged 15-20 can submit a video for a shot at winning one of three $1500 prizes! This year’s theme is “A Safe Start to Your Career,” and the deadline for submission is May 13, 2024.
Interactive Annual Report
Check out what CAREERS was up to in 2023 - including student stories, programming development and more! All available in our 2023 digital annual report.
Skilled Trades and Internships Fair
For the 2023-2024 school year, CAREERS is partnering with the Calgary school divisions (Calgary Catholic School District and Calgary Board of Education) to host
Skilled Trades fairs in the city at participating high schools:

Lord Beaverbrook High School – Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Notre Dame High School – Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Learn from employer mentors, past RAP students, and education partners about various in-demand career paths available to all students in the skilled trades. Many employers who participate in the fairs hire summer student interns to learn a trade as part of their education.
Thank you for Supporting Alberta's Youth!
CAREERS is happy to receive a TELUS Friendly Future Foundation grant to help grow internship opportunities for youth in Calgary and southern Alberta.
Make a Difference
Your one-time gift of $50 gets information into the hands of a student or a $10 monthly gift will provide a student access to mentorship. Your support will help CAREERS reach these young people and connect them to an employer to start their career journey. 
Your gift big or small makes a difference in the lives of Alberta youth. 
CAREERS is a not-for-profit foundation operating on the generosity of donors. 100% of donations help encourage youth to engage in learning, stay in school and discover their career passion in skilled trades, technologies and occupations in high demand. Read More
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