
I am delighted to present to you just a few of the wonderful collages that were made during the recent Creative Collage Class. I do love the way that this medium encourages innovation and each painting is uniquely done. I hope these lovely paintings will make you smile - I am in love with the elephants.

The Gallery - Creative Collage 2020
Creative Collage Class
Connie G.
Creative Collage Class
Connie G.
Creative Collage Class
Dawn A.
Creative Collage Class
Dorothy M.
Creative Collage Class
Dorothy M.
Creative Collage Class
Kristan F.
Creative Collage Class
Kristan F.
Creative Collage Class
Marsha K.
Creative Collage Class
Mary Ellen Y.
Creative Collage Class
Mary Ellen Y.
Creative Collage Class
Pam I.
Creative Collage Class
Philippa J.
Creative Collage Class
Philippa J.
Creative Collage Class
Sherry L.
Creative Collage Class
Sue O.
And there were lots more - you each did such fabulous work!

Take care, stay well,
and keep the brush moving!
Cheryl O
by Cheryl O
Mountain Mysteries - collage with tissue paper by Cheryl O
Today's Quote:

"Always remember:
Your are braver than you believe,
Stronger than you seem,
And smarter than you think."

A.A. Milne
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