Structure Updates in the Presbytery of Detroit

Committees Become Commissions


Two committees in the Presbytery of Detroit have undergone more than just a name change. It was determined by actions of the Synod of the Covenant Administrative Commission for the Presbytery of Detroit to create “Commission on Ministry” (COM) and the “Commission on Preparation for Ministry” (CPM).

According to the “Book of Order” a council may create by their own rule “commissions as they deem necessary and helpful for the accomplishment of the mission of the church.”(G-3.0109) In creating the commission, “the designating council shall state specifically the scope of the commission’s powers and any restrictions on those powers.” (G-3.0109). The primary difference is that a committee or task force can only be given the authority to gather information and make recommendations to a council. A “commission” has the authority, given to it by the council, to make the decision entrusted to the commission.

In addition to the Commission on Ministry and Commission on Preparation for Ministry, the “Commission for Examination for Ordination and Installation of Ministers and Word and Sacrament and Examination of Commissioned Pastors” has been created (composed of the members of COM and CPM). While the Presbytery of Detroit is under original jurisdiction of an Administrative Commission of the Synod of the Covenant, this commission is responsible for examining persons seeking ordination as Minister of Word and Sacrament and Commissioned Pastors is in their purview. This would normally take place on the floor of a Presbytery meeting.

Please click below for full descriptions of these three commissions. 

Stated Clerk, Rev. Dr. Melissa Allison

The Synod of the Covenant Administrative Commission to the Presbytery of Detroit

Rev. Jessie MacMillan (Chair)

Elder Alice McCollum

Elder Robert Sullivan

Elder Jim Wilson

Rev. Jeanne Gay

Rev. Cal Bremer 

Commission on Ministry

Commission on Preparation for Ministry

Commission for Examination for Ordination and Installation