March 2022
Letter from Mary
Dear Friends,

March brings with it not only a hint of spring but also a dose of gratitude for the work we get to do at the Montana Community Foundation (MCF).
Our team recently distributed $4.3 million to more than 700 nonprofit organizations and funds. These distributions were awarded from 613 charitable endowments which support a variety of organizations across Montana. Strong investment returns and generous contributions resulted in MCF distributing nearly $520,000 more in 2022 than in 2021 to benefit Montana communities. Learn more here.

Every year, this process serves as a keen reminder of the many individuals and organizations committed to supporting the well-being and vitality of our state forever.

I am also pleased to report that our pooled endowment portfolio realized an annual return of 14.3% in 2021. Our portfolio is constructed with a long-term view in mind as we remain committed to ensuring Montana’s future. Over time, the endowment policies and accompanying performance ensure the purchasing power of endowments is as powerful twenty years from now as they are today

We are honored to partner with so many in strengthening Montana through endowed philanthropy. Together we’re creating stronger and more resilient communities for the good of Montana forever.

Honoring Dorothy “Dot” Woolhiser
On January 21, we said goodbye to a kind and generous individual, Dorothy “Dot” Eleanor Morgan Woolhiser, at the age of 93.
Dot is remembered for seeing and feeling the needs of others. Her favorite organization, because it broadly impacts the needs and causes of the community and those she knew best, was the Community Foundation of Northern Rosebud County in Forsyth. Dot also established the Dorothy E. Woolhiser Endowment Fund at MCF which supports two local senior centers, the Rosebud County Senior Services and Custer County Senior Services.

Dot had three sons, one of whom is an MCF board member. Dale Woolhiser has followed in his mother’s generous footsteps and will continue her legacy through his continued involvement in Montana’s growing community foundation field.

Dot spent most of her working life in the Custer County Courthouse. She started in the Treasurer's office and after a number of years was persuaded to run for, became, and ultimately retired as, the Clerk and Recorder there. After retiring in Forsyth she spent a number traveling extensively and left behind scrapbooks of their African Safari, a trip up the Amazon, an agricultural venture to Scandinavia and Russia, and golf trips to Europe and Asia, and more.

Read more about her life here.

Dot’s wish would be that any remembrance is given to your own local community foundation or favorite cause.
The Montana Endowment Tax Credit
A Way to Make the Most of Your Money for You and Montana
What if there was a way to ensure the causes you support today will forever have your support while lowering your Montana income tax burden?

The Montana Endowment Tax Credit (METC) is one way we can ensure local communities benefit from generosity forever while lowering your Montana income tax burden.

Read more here.
February Marked One-Year Anniversary of the Snowbird Fund
Last February, the Snowbird Fund was created to support individuals and families searching for missing Indigenous women and men in Montana. The fund was the first of its kind in the nation and was created as a philanthropic response to the growing Missing and Murdered Indigenous People (MMIP) crisis in Montana and the nation. 

Since its inception, the fund has not only survived but it has doubled its cash amount and increased its funding capacity – all during a pandemic and tough economic times.

In a recent editorial, Snowbird Bird committee members, reflect on the last year of the fund and the MMIP crisis.

“Through the tenacious efforts of native communities and families around the state and country, the issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons has gained more attention from tribal, local, state and federal officials, including U.S. Interior Secretary Deborah Haaland, the first Native American to serve as a cabinet secretary.

While tribal, state, and federal officials work together through the MMIP Task Force to overcome reporting and communication shortcomings and increase law enforcement response to this issue, we’ll do our part to help families in their most fraught time by providing immediate cash assistance for their search efforts.

Please help us spread the word so that together we can put an end to a crisis that has gone unrecognized for too long.”

Read more about the Snowbird Fund and its impact in the first year here.
Scholarship Application Deadlines
Though most scholarship application deadlines closed on March 18, some scholarships are still accepting applications. See the list below and apply for scholarships here.
  •  Available Statewide:
  • D.A. Davidson Education Memorial Scholarship 3/31/202
  • Glacier Bancorp Inc. Mick Blodnick Scholarship 4/2/2021
  • Evelyn B Johnson Memorial Scholarship  5/28/2021
  • Lewis and Clark County:
  • Seeley Family Memorial Scholarship 4/1/2021
Grant Application Deadlines
The Darby Town Community Endowment Fund competitive grant cycle closes March 31 so be sure to apply soon. Learn more here.

The William B. Pratt Endowment Fund will accept applications for grants to benefit Montana indigenous, folk, traditional, and media arts until March 31. Learn more here
Join Our Team
Provides administrative support to the Grants and Scholarships Program. This position assists in facilitating the Montana Community Foundation’s (MCF) grantmaking and scholarship operations through all stages of the process.

Provides an integral part of a team of professionals dedicated to serving Montana through philanthropy. The Executive Assistant provides an expert level of administrative support to the President/CEO and Executive staff.

Learn more about both positions here.

To apply for a position, submit a cover letter, current resume, and three professional references to Applications can only be submitted by email. 
In Case You Missed It