Strategy in Motion
October 2019 Newsletter

Darcy Misiak Bien, Strategic Planner
         Darcy Bien 

Learning Forum
Our Purpose:
To be your experienced guide helping plan your organization's future.

Our Core Values:
Lifetime Learners, Challenging the status quo, Feedback is a gift, Strategy is
energizing and fun.

Our Vision:
 Implementation by our clients.

How would you rate your company's external research? 

While most of us are content with what we know, we don't make a lot of time for what we don't know. We all agree research is needed to improve our decisions, but many times we're not sure where to start. Good strategic planning requires effective External Listening and Learning.  What are our competitors doing? Are there key industry trends and challenges we should consider? And, most importantly, how do we know we are different?
Research is akin to a superhero for business leaders. When contemplating a significant change in strategy, research is your lifeline. Big businesses have the budget to hire outside firms, but smaller organizations CAN do their own research - we've created this research guide to help get you started.   

Learning Forum: Join us Friday, November 22 
No reading required! Join us to discuss  Alive at Work: the Neuroscience of Helping Your People Love What They Do.
Research shows an alarming number of workers are disengaged from their work. Why is this happening? How can we fix the problem? We'll address the latest studies in why people work, how to help them work in the Zone, and how one-on-ones are critically important in today's culture.   
Friday, November 22, 2019
8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Office Key (Blue Ash)
4555 Lake Forest Drive, Suite 650
Facilitators: Darcy Bien & Cyndi Wineinger
Cost: $49

Contact Darcy for more details or register:

Online tools for keeping up with digital trends     
Facebook IQ: Home of Facebook research
Similar Web: Website analysis tool
SEMRush: See the volume of searches for a term