Seeking Immediate Business Impact? Here's Where to Start...

Everyone is looking for the fastest solution for big business wins. 

There’s almost always low-hanging fruit to pluck for fast profit—even in the most well-combed marketing orchards. But that fruit will look different for everyone.

That’s why our one-size-fits-all solution is: Commit to combing your orchard.

In other words: Allocate the resources to assess your current marketing landscape. Seek out gaps and identify opportunities. Ensure that the moves you make next will reap rewards.

But don’t freak out! This doesn’t need to be a time-intensive ordeal. And you don’t need a fancy consultant to come in and provide six-figure insights, either. You just need informed eyes on your marketing strategy. They should assess it in the context of your brand, company culture, organizational structure, and the team who shows up for you every day. 

Sure: In the future, maybe you will decide to seek long-term agency support, like the kind we specialize in at Mad 4 Marketing. But what would that look like? Is it a digital strategy? Ad placement? Putting together new collateral for you to hand out or mail? There are so many options. Before you choose, you'll want to ensure that your spending aligns with your priorities. 

That’s why the first step is learning what you need most, right now, for the greatest impact. 

Sometimes it’s as simple as making a few changes to your website. Or perhaps it’s the perfect time for you to introduce your customers to a new mission statement that shows you understand their changing needs in today’s world...

There’s only one way to find out. But “finding out” is the single biggest action you can take today for meaningful results. We hope you’ll reach out so we can help you discover the most fruitful path forward!

For more insights you can skip the forms: Simply reach out directly to us by calling 954-485-5448.
Mad 4 Our Clients
As we continue our work with the Healthcare Technology company, WITHmyDOC, we are excited to present their latest collateral piece which is a comprehensive print and electronic brochure. This piece is sure to support their sales effort as they expand their reach across Florida and other parts of the country with their Remote Patient Monitoring solution for managing patients with chronic diseases. 

Mad 4 Our Community
Behind these masks it’s nothing but smiles! Our CEO Chris Madsen, as part of an initiative by the Downtown Rotary Club, proudly participated in donating lunches supplied by the Riverside Hotel to the nursing staff at Holy Cross Health. (Special thanks to Heiko Dobrikow)! This show of appreciation was arranged by Charles Felix of Hospital and Healthcare News and helps us recognize the extreme lengths these frontline healthcare workers go to everyday to ensure the safety of their patients. To all the doctors and nurses at Holy Cross and everywhere, we thank you for your unrelenting service.
In Our Blog
One common mistake that marketing and communications professionals make is “megaphoning.” The problem actually goes a little deeper. Being loud, on its own, can be a positive trait: bold, unignorable, memorable. But when your campaigns or outreach efforts more.
In marketing, “demand gen” is another way of thinking about lead generation activities.
Some marketers think that traditional lead generation strategies are a little too passive. However, it’s always nice to mix up the standard playbook with some new and exciting moves. That’s where “demand gen” comes more.