On May 16 Thames Valley held a groundbreaking ceremony at the new elementary school in northwest Woodstock. Trustees were thrilled to join Thames Valley staff and administrators, as well as students, community members, and local dignitaries for this historic occasion. This is the third groundbreaking ceremony this spring and we are continuing to advocate for additional learning spaces needed in TVDSB.
Take Your Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP) to School: Trustees gave local MPPs a first-hand look at the day-to-day successes and challenges of public education during Take your MPP to School Week (May 21-24). Organized by the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association, this event showcased the amazing students, staff, and programs at our local schools. It also gave trustees and MPPS an opportunity to connect about opportunities to improve public education, including addressing provincial underfunding in special education, CPP and EI, and staffing.
Budget: The Ministry of Education requires school boards to approve a balanced budget by the end of June. This will be challenging this year as provincial funding has not kept pace with the costs for goods and services.
TVDSB is currently reviewing the preliminary budget for 2024-2025. The board will accept written feedback and requests to speak to the committee reviewing the preliminary budget until Monday, June 10 at 9 a.m. Input will be heard on Tuesday, June 11. We encourage community members to get involved.
Middlesex North Elementary Attendance Area Review: The recommendations from Administration’s report are out for public consultation. The public has until 9 a.m. on June 5 to submit written or verbal delegations online at www.tvdsb.ca/publicinput. Public delegations will be presented to trustees at the Planning and Priorities Advisory Committee meeting on June 11, with decisions to follow at the Board of Trustees meeting on June 25.
For more updates, please see News - TVDSB.